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Interim Finance Director Carter explained the Financial Overview which was part of the <br />"Preliminary Budget Reductions" 2009-2010 and PowerPoint presentation. <br />Interim Assistant City Manager Diaz stated that each Department will briefly explain their <br />strategy and options to be considered for Council in the handouts of the PowerPoint presentation. <br />After each department presented their reduction strategies, Hollister explained the Supplemental <br />Strategies. Some of the strategies that were touched included the Golden Handshake, which <br />offers employees that are 50 years of age and vested in the Public Employee Retirement System <br />(PERS) system the opportunity to take an early retirement with 2 years additional service credit. <br />This will be done by job classification or offered citywide that fit into the reductions however <br />would not apply to management or public safety. The cost in terms of PERS does not appear to <br />be substantial at this time. Alternative work weeks, furloughs, as well as the ability to have full- <br />time positions go to part-time are options that have been discussed. The reduction of the work <br />week is also open for further discussion. <br />Mayor Santos stated that time was spent discussing the reduction of expenditures however there <br />was no discuss of revenue enhancements. Mayor Santos addressed his concern of the crises the <br />city is facing and recommended the City implement the charter provision to raise property taxes, <br />the revenue will be able to incur some of the public safety costs. Mayor Santos stated that he <br />was told by our two state legislators the reason why they couldn't help us with our Charter <br />provision is because there was no tax increase agreement in the proposed budget. Santos stated <br />that it is for this reason; the City should be allowed to raise taxes to overcome some of the <br />budget constraints. Mayor Santos again asked staff to contact the legislative leaders by form of a <br />letter to explain the crisis and what the impact of cutting 58 jobs would do to the city. Mayor <br />Santos stated that he is not thrilled at cutting positions with the teenagers because it is very <br />critical that they have some type of a job. He instructed staff to look at revenue enhancements <br />and stated that we need to get our state legislators to finally come to grips with what he believes <br />are minor adjustments which cari make a lot of difference to our city. Mayor Santos stated that <br />he was not ready to act on the proposed reductions nor was he ready to make a recommendation. <br />He asked that the Committee meet again with staff for continued review of this process. He also <br />mentioned contacting Assemblymember Hayashi and Senator Corbett and asks them to act on <br />our behalf. <br />Hollister stated that staff knows the cuts will be painful even at the 5% level; however the goal is <br />to achieve these reductions without having to physically layoff full-time employees. He also <br />informed the Committee that everything will be done to transfer employees within the <br />organization. <br />Councilmember Prola proposed keeping the positions that have been targeted for elimination on <br />the books even though they will not be filled. He believes that when the economy makes aturn- <br />a-round, it will be a lot quicker to fill if that position is already on the books. Councilmember <br />Prola expressed his concern in closing two libraries in areas he thinks they are needed the most. <br />The south and north areas would have no library and the citizens in those areas would have to <br />travel downtown to the Main Library or the Manor area. He feels that if reductions are <br />necessary, then perhaps there should be reductions of hours of all libraries so that there would be <br />no closures. He also expressed his disappointment that the state chose to increase sales tax to <br />enhance revenue. <br />3 <br />