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Finance Highlights 2009 0224
City Clerk
City Council
Finance Committee
Finance Highlights 2009 0224
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3/16/2009 2:25:49 PM
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3/16/2009 2:25:00 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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the shortfall was further reduced to $2.9 million. Mayor Santos instructed staff to provide the <br />Committee with a breakdown of settlement payments as well as review if further funds can be <br />transferred for reserves. Deputy Finance Director Rodriguez advised the Committee that a <br />meeting has been scheduled with Finance Director Carter for the coming week. Councilmember <br />Prola asked the Department Heads if they have conducted a survey of their respective staff and <br />asked if anyone was interested in voluntarily reducing their hours. Hollister stated that at this <br />time, management was not instructed to conduct such a survey but that workshops in various <br />locations will be scheduled in March for employees to attend and discuss the budget situation. <br />Voluntary reduction of hours is a possible pilot program. Interim Assistant City Manager Diaz <br />stated that Human Resource Director Caire is also looking into other pilot programs. <br />Councilmember Prola stated that employees may be interested which may reduce the number of <br />potential layoffs. Library Services Director Bohne stated that although he has not formally <br />surveyed his staff, he has asked a few people and with the current economy, there were not many <br />people interested in reducing their hours. Public Works Director Bakaldin stated that he spoke <br />with his staff eligible for the Golden Hand Shake and that there was no pressure to accept the <br />offer. Caire stated that there were three components that need to be addressed: basic salary, <br />benefits, and retirement before making a final decision on offering this option to employees. If a <br />staff member chooses to reduce their hours, and they fall below the minimum PERS hours as a <br />full time employee, that will effect the employee's retirement as well as the City's rate. <br />Therefore there may be a savings in salary costs, not in benefit cost. Hollister indicated that in <br />reducing the budget as proposed, the City will end with a healthy reserve of $8.8 million which <br />is over 10% of the General Fund budget. <br />Hollister began with the City Manager's Office, referring to the PowerPoint presentation, and <br />brought to the Committee's attention that significant cuts have been made, e.g. reductions in <br />staffing, programs, empowerment funds, supplies, attendance to League of California Cities <br />meetings and other conferences, and City Corner notices. Also, the following will be eliminated: <br />meals during closed sessions, funding for receptions, and funding for the Grant Writing <br />Consultant. There will also be a reduction of $30,000 to City Attorney fees. There will be other <br />items suspended until further notice, including the City Newsletter. Mayor Santos recommended <br />elimination of Empowerment Fund; Councilmember Prola agreed, a total savings of $20,000. <br />Councilmember Prola recommended reducing travel further and all travel should be approved by <br />Council and restricted to no more than two people from the same department. Mayor Santos <br />explained the importance of travel and stated that if a councilmember chooses not to use their <br />designated funds, the funds can be used by another councilmember. Councilmember Gregory <br />agreed with Mayor Santos and stated that it is very important for the City of San Leandro to keep <br />a high profile. Mayor Santos asked why there was no reduction to Information Services' staffing <br />and why they only had a 5% overall reduction. Hollister stated that although it is a small <br />division, it is very important to the operation of the City in terms of automation and information <br />technology. Hollister referred the Committee to Uche Udemezue, Engineering & Transportation <br />Director and David Bohne, Library Services Director as they both sit on the Information <br />Management Services Committee. Udemezue stated that upon a comparison analysis with other <br />cities and based upon the amount of work they do, the staff they assist, and the new software and <br />hardware we have added; Information Services is understaffed. Mayor Santos recognizes that <br />issue but instructed staff to take another look at this issue. Councilmember Prola agreed <br />however Councilmember Gregory recognizes the need for Information Services staffing to <br />remain as is. Hollister stated that the Police Department and Library are the biggest customers of <br />Information Services. <br />2 <br />
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