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and asked if that can be done internally to save money. Caire stated that they handle case <br />management and this would require additional staff if it is to be brought in house. <br />Library: Mayor Santos indicated that the Public is not happy with the proposed reductions. <br />David Bonne, Library Services Director stated that the libraries are all dependent on staffing. <br />Mayor Santos inquired about contacting [Senator Ellen] Corbett and [Assemblyrnember Mary] <br />Hayashi regarding revising the revenue and tax code and increasing property taxes for the <br />Library specifically. Councilmember Prola stressed his concern about closing both the South <br />and Mulford Garden Libraries as it would be difficult for senior citizens and children to travel <br />across town to gain access to Main and Manor Libraries; he would rather see all libraries reduce <br />their hours and perhaps reduce their budget in other areas, e. g. the purchase of new periodicals <br />and books. Mayor Santos reiterated that we need to pursue implementing our Charter provision <br />to increase property taxes for the Police Department and Libraries as well as look at other <br />revenue sources. Bonne stated that reducing Library hours, excluding the Manor Library, is <br />being considered as well as elimination of all children and adult programs, elimination of <br />Historic Preservation program, reduction of reference services at the Main and Manor Library, <br />and reduction of hours at Casa Peralta, Art Gallery, and Museum. The Library is also looking at <br />reducing staff by 25 part-time employees. The Committee recognizes the difficulty Library <br />Services is facing and has recommended that Library return to the table and look for other ways <br />to reduce their budget than closing libraries as well as looking into increasing revenue, including <br />assessments. <br />Police Department: Hollister stated that there are 8 positions that will become vacant in the next <br />fiscal year, 6 of those positions are sworn officers. There is money that will be received from the <br />Federal Government that may reduce that amount by 1 to 3 positions. Ian Willis, Police Chief <br />stated that if money is received, his recommendation would be to keep or bring back the School <br />Resource Officers. Councilmember Gregory inquired if the School District was aware of the cut <br />to the School Resource Officers; Hollister stated they are aware. Councilmember Prola asked <br />about how much money is spent on the Tactical Unit. Chief Willis stated there is a Sergeant and <br />3 officers and they are sent to handle situations in "high crime" areas, or that are unusual, or that <br />patrol officers are not able to handle or perhaps do not have enough officers to handle. They <br />assist the narcotic unit and assist with search warrants. Although they do not have "beat" <br />responsibility or assigned to a specific area, they are very proactive and have a big impact in the <br />role within the Police Department. <br />Public Works and Recreation and Human Services commentaries or updates will be heard at the <br />March 17, 2009 Finance Committee meeting. <br />Mayor Santos asked staff to return to the next Finance Committee on Tuesday, March 17, 2009 <br />with new or amended recommendations prior to the Council Workshop on Monday, March 23, <br />2009. The Committee recognized the difficult situation staff is in and thanked them for their <br />work. <br />Mayor Santos stated that he was asked to look into CLASP funding for day care and asked staff <br />to follow-up, there is a potential $2.5 billion available. <br />4 <br />