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I. Applicant shall provide a sewer cleanout at the property line for the lateral(s) <br />prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy. <br />J. Applicant shall direct all roof down spouts from the new structure to drain <br />onto landscaped areas. Applicant shall construct any new on site impervious <br />surfaces to drain storm water to landscaped areas. A storm drain inlet must be <br />installed on the property and piped below grade to the City storm drain inlets <br />on 139`h Avenue. Applicant must stencil their storm drain inlet to read `No <br />dumping, drains to bay' . Storm water treatment shall comply with <br />requirements set forth in the current NPDES permit (section C.3). <br />K. Applicant must show existing chain link fence and wooden retaining wall on <br />plans. <br />L. Applicant must provide a roofed area for storage of trash or dumpsters - <br />either inside the building or in an accessory structure. <br />M. All new utilities serving the site must be placed underground. <br />N. Applicant must install a 20~ft red curb immediately east of the driveway. <br />Applicant must also install about 20-ft red curb immediately west of the <br />driveway. Please make sure that a 15-ft red curb is painted between the <br />westerly end of the red curb and the existing fire hydrant (Note: Section <br />22514 of California Vehicle Code (CVC) states that no person shall stop, <br />park, or leave standing any vehicle within 15 feet of a fire hydrant.) <br />O. Vehiclelequipment repair and maintenance shall be performed in a <br />designated area indoors, or if such services must be performed outdoors, in <br />an area designed to prevent the run-on and runoff of storm water. <br />P. Secondary containment shall be provided for exterior work areas where <br />motor oil, brake fluid, gasoline, diesel fuel, radiator fluid, acid-containing <br />batteries or other hazardous materials or hazardous wastes are used or stored. <br />Drains shall not be installed within the secondary containment areas. <br />Q. Vehicle service facilities shall not contain floor drains [unless the floor drains <br />are connected to wastewater pretreatment systems prior to discharge to the <br />sanitary sewer, for which an industrial waste discharge permit has been <br />obtained. The applicant shall contact the Environmental Services division of <br />the Public Works Department for specific connection and discharge <br />requirements. <br />R. Tanks, containers or sinks used for parts cleaning or rinsing shall not be <br />connected to the storm drain system. Tanks, containers or sinks used for such <br />purposes may only be connected to the sanitary sewer system if allowed by <br />an industrial waste discharge permit. The applicant shall contact <br />Environmental Services Division of the Public Works Department for <br />specific connection and discharge requirements. <br />PLN2008-00045 November 3, 2008 <br />Conditions of Approval Page 6 of 8 <br />