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CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL <br />PLN2008-00014 -Modification to Delete Two Conditions <br />2370-2374 Marina Boulevard; Assessor's Parcel Number 79A-570-39-2 <br />(Formerly known as 2400 Marina Boulevard) <br />Bill Manfredi (Applicant) <br />Santiago and Delia Guitron (Property Owner) <br />L COMPLIANCE WITH APPROVED PLANS <br />A. The project site plan shall comply with Exhibit A- Revised Site Plan, dated <br />December 4, 2008, thereby modifying and superseding Exhibit D -Site Plan, dated <br />June l9, 2008. (Exhibits are on file at the City of San Leandro, Community <br />Development Department, 835 East 14th Street, San Leandro, California, 94577). <br />Exhibit A -Revised Site Plan <br />B. The applicant shall be responsible for assuring that any successor in interest who <br />assumes responsibility for this zoning approval is informed of its terms and <br />conditions. <br />IL PERMITTED USES <br />A. This modification of Conditional Use Permit and Site Plan Review (PLN2008- <br />00014) is to delete two Conditions of Approval requiring street dedication and street <br />widening as part of the entitlement to construct atwo-story, detached single unit <br />residence at the front of the property and atwo-story additional two-family residence <br />at the rear of the property at 2370-2374 Marina Boulevard. Alameda County <br />Assessor's Parcel Number 79A-570-39-2. Specifically, the two conditions to be <br />deleted and not to be required of the project or the applicant are Conditions IIL, <br />ENGINEERING REQUIRMENTS, E. and N. <br />III. ENGINEERING REQUIREMENTS <br />E. Applicant shall dedicate a 10 foot strip of land along the property frontage <br />to the City of San Leandro for use as public right of way, per the City s Plan <br />Line <br />N. Applicant shall widen Marina Blvd 10 feet by removing existing curb, <br />gutter, sidewalk, and driveways along the project frontage and replacing <br />them with new improvements. New or overlaid AC pavement shall be <br />installed in the roadway as required to provide a smooth travel surface <br />without undue cross slope or grade breaks. <br />B. All other conditions of approval to PLN2008-00014 shall remain in full effect. <br />G~,ACOMbfUNCCY DEVELOPMEN'[~Staff Reports~Board of Zoning Adjnshrents OriginaA2008\PLN2008-00010. Marina 2400 C[TP SPR Three New Condorrtininm Units~PLN2006-00014 COA <br />MODIFICATION DELETE 2 CONDS.doc <br />Conditions of Approval December 4, 2008 <br />PLN2008-00014 Page 3 of 3 <br />