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CALIFC~ItNIA AY,I1-PI1RP®~E <br />CER'T'IFICATE ®~ ACKI~~WI~EI~GME~TT <br />State of California <br />Coulity of ~ ~.i't'~ ~-~ ~-= <br />-' ? ~~ <br />On " ~ ~-~ _Z~a ~l before me, °~ ~ f ~ old ~`~ <br />{Isere i nett mm~e and trtlc of the officer) <br />personally appeared ~~ tt ~. G~.~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~{ ~C ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~`~ <br />who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(sZwhose name{s~/are subscribed to <br />the within instrument and acknowledged to me that hefsl~e/they executed the same in l~hz~•/their authorized <br />capacity{ies), and that by h-i~Het'/their signature~on the instrument the person(~or the entity upon behalf of <br />which the person(~actcd, eaeeuted the instrument. <br />I certify under PENALTY DP PER.IURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph <br />is true and correct. <br />WI'1'NE ~yry''hand and official al. <br />~~ <br />Signature of Notary Public <br />~~N9JEI t~~ <br />~!~~ f:FQ~+,3A~ i'T07024 rte <br />n - raQ~~ 3~t611a:~durnla ~ <br />ALL. n1,aluACOUnIIV -~ <br />Mly ~. Exp. Ntav 23, 2(110 <br />(Notary Senl) <br />ADDITIONAL OPTIONAL INFORMATION <br />Di; CRIPTION OF THE ATTACHED DOCUMHNT <br />(Title or descriptton of attached docwnent) <br />(Title or description of attached document continued) y <br />Number of Pages E~- ,._ Document Date J ~+ f <br />(Additional information) <br />CAPACITY CLAI _ Y THE SIGNER <br /> Individu (s) <br />' O Corporate ficer <br /> (Title) <br />^ Partner(s} <br />^ Attorney-in-Fact <br />^ Trustee(s) <br />^ Other <br />INSTRUCTIONS FOR COIv~IPLETING THIS FORM <br />;Inv acdrro+vledgmenr conrpleled in California rrtusi contain verbiage exnctlp as <br />nppears abate irr rlre nalam section or a separate acknowledgment jorrn mrcq he <br />properlt completed and attached ro that documen6 77m only e.tceptian is ~~ a <br />dncurneru is to he recorded aurstde aJCalrjornia. In such rnslanees, any alrenrative <br />peknarrledgmznl verbiage as etm~ be printed on such o doc~nnenl so IonK as the <br />verbiage does nor require the notary !o do someUilng rhn! is illegal for a notary rn <br />California (i. e. cerrij~ing the authors=ed capacih~ ojthe signer). Plegse check the <br />docunrenr carefully for proper notarial warding and attach dus jann ijrequired. <br />• State and County information must be the State and County where the document <br />signer(s) personally appeared before the notary public for acknowledgment, <br />• Date of notarization must tx: the date tha[ the signet(s) personally appenred which <br />must also be the same date the acknowledgment is completed. <br />The notary public must print his or her name as it appears within his or her <br />commission follon•ed by a comtrw rind then your title (notary public). <br />Prins the name(s) of document signer(s) who personally appear at the time of <br />notarization. <br />• Indicate the correct singular or plural forms by Crossing off incorrect forms (i.e. <br />ltelshe/tlre}- is /ere) ar circling the correct forms, Failure to correctly indicate this <br />infonnanon may lead to rejection afdocmncnt recording. <br />The notary seal impression must bo clear and photographically repnidncihlc <br />Impression must not co+cr text or lines. IC seal impresson smudges, re-seal if a <br />sufficient area pennils, othcnvise complete adifferent acknot+-ledgmcn; forrn <br />• Signature of the notary public must match the signaRwe on file with dm elrice of <br />the county clerk. <br />Additional information is not required but could help to ensure thu <br />acknowlcdgntenl is not misttsed or attached to d ditre rent docunment <br />indicate title or type of attached document, numher of pages and dale <br />Indicate the capacity claimed by the signer. [f the claimed capacity is a <br />corporate officer, indicate the Lille (i.e. CT:O, CPO, Secretor)'). <br />• Securely atk~Ch this document to the signed document <br />2008 Version CAPA v12.10.07 800-873-98G5 <br />