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CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL <br />' PLN2007-00042 <br />15024 Fleming Street <br />Hans Ha and Juan C. Zaldana (Applicant/Property Owners) <br />I. COMPLIANCE WITH APPROVED PLANS <br />A. .The applicant/property owner shall comply with Exhibits A through E, attached to <br />the staff report dated March 4, 2008, except as hereinafter modified. (Exhibits are <br />on file in the City of San Leandro Community Development Department, 835 East <br />14th Street, San Leandro, California, 94577). <br />Exhibit A: Site Plan with Roof Plan <br />Exhibit B: Existing and Proposed Floor Plan <br />Exhibit C: Proposed Front and Rear Elevations <br />Exhibit D: Proposed Side Elevations <br />Exhibit E: Streetscape <br />B. The applicant must revise and resubmit the front elevation changes including the <br />garage door details and all window changes on all elevations subject to Zoning <br />Enforcement Official's approval prior to building permit submittal. <br />C. The applicant must indicate details and specifications for exterior lighting on the <br />proposed structure. Any new exterior lighting proposed shall be low wattage and <br />designed and located to cast light downward and as not to shine on adjacent <br />properties, details subject to the approval of the Zoning Enforcement Official. <br />D. The applicant/property owner shall be responsible,for assuring that any successor in <br />interest who assumes responsibility for this zoning approval is informed of its terms <br />and conditions. <br />E. Construction shall commence within one (1) year following Zoning Enforcement <br />Official approval of the Major Site Plan Review and shall be substantially <br />completed one year after commencement of construction. For the purpose of <br />compliance with this condition, commencement of construction shall be defined <br />as the construction of a substantial portion of the building foundation structures. <br />F. This Major Site Plan Review approval permits to expand the existing residence <br />with a new one-story 1,212 square foot addition at the rear of the existing <br />residence; 15024 Fleming Street; Assessor's Parcel Number 80H-1537-25. <br />G. The subject residence shall be limited to single-family occupancy, only,.unless the <br />City grants approval of a permit for any other unit. For the purposes of this <br />condition, installation of any appliances for cooking, including, but not limited to <br />a stove, hot plate or microwave oven, in any room other than the individual <br />kitchen in the existing dwelling unit within the single-family home, shall be <br />Agreement to Conditions March 4, 2008 <br />PLN2007-00042 Page 3 of 4 <br />