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Inst 2007072354
City Clerk
City Council
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Inst 2007072354
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Last modified
3/25/2009 12:38:03 PM
Creation date
3/25/2009 12:38:02 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
CM City Clerk-City Council - Document Type
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Declaration of Restrictions
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2.1 Intentionally omitted. <br />2.2 AffordabilitYRequirements. For a term of fifty-five (55) years commencing upon <br />the date of issuance of a final certificate of occupancy for the Project, sixty-seven (67) of the <br />dwelling units in the Project shall be both Rent-Restricted (as defined below) and occupied (or <br />if vacant, available for occupancy) by Eligible Households whose income does not exceed Very <br />Low-Income or Extremely Low-Income in accordance with Exhibit B. In the event that <br />recertification of tenant incomes indicates that the number of Restricted Units actually occupied <br />by Eligible Households falls below the number reserved for each income group as specified in <br />this Section and Exhibit B, Developer shall rectify the condition by renting the next available <br />dwelling unit(s) in the Project to Eligible Household(s) until the required income mix is achieved. <br />A dwelling unit shall qualify as "Rent-Restricted" if the gross rent charged for such unit does <br />not exceed the Qualifying Rent for the applicable household income category as set forth in <br />Exhibit B, as adjusted for assumed household size in accordance with California Tax Credit <br />Allocation Committee ("TCAC") guidelines and California Community Redevelopment Law <br />(Health and Safety Code Section 33000 et seq.). <br />2.3 Rents for Restricted Units. Rents for Restricted Units shall be limited to <br />Qualifying Rents. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no tenant qualifying for a Restricted Unit shall <br />be denied continued occupancy of a unit in the Project because, after admission, such tenant's <br />adjusted income increases to exceed the qualifying limit for such Restricted Unit. A household <br />which at initial occupancy qualifies as Very Low-Income or Extremely Low-Income shall be <br />treated as continuing to be of Very Low-Income, or Extremely Low-Income, as applicable, so <br />long as the household's income does not exceed l 40% of the applicable income limit. <br />2.4 Unit Sizes, Design and Location. The Restricted Units shall consist of sixty-five <br />(65) studio apartments and two (2) one-bedroom units allocated among affordability categories as <br />set forth in Exhibit B. In renting Restricted Units, Developer shall give first preference to persons <br />who occupied the Property prior to its acquisition by the Agency, provided that they meet <br />Developer's tenant qualification criteria as approved by the Agency and shall give a preference to <br />residents of the City of San Leandro, City or school district employees, and persons employed in <br />the City unless compliance with the foregoing criteria is prohibited by law or by state or federal <br />sources of financing for the Project. <br />2.5 Manager's Unit. One dwelling unit in the Project maybe used as a resident <br />manager's unit, and shall be exempt from the occupancy and rent restrictions set forth in this <br />Agreement. <br />2.6 No Condominium Conversion. Developer shall not convert the Project to <br />condominium or cooperative ownership or sell condominium or cooperative rights to the Project <br />during the term of this Agreement. <br />2.7 Non-Discrimination; Compliance with Fair Housin Laws. <br />2.7.1 Fair Housing,. Developer shall comply with state and federal fair housing <br />laws in the marketing and rental of the units in the Project. Developer shall accept as tenants, on <br />the same basis as all other prospective tenants, persons who are recipients of federal certificates <br />soE~9o-6 4 <br />
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