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Joint Agreement for the <br />Neighborhood Stabilization Program 2 Apri16, 2009 <br />allocation because of less severe foreclosure needs. The NSP funding formula provides direct <br />funding to counties and cities with the highest foreclosure rates, sub-prime mortgage activities, and <br />probability of increased foreclosures. <br />In general, counties and cities were divided into two funding categories: Tier 1 (local governments <br />receiving over $ l million under the NSP funding formula) or Tier 2 (receiving less than $1 <br />million). In Alameda County, the cities of Oakland and Hayward were designated as Tier 1 along <br />with the County itself, while the cities of Alameda, Berkeley, Fremont, Livermore, San Leandro, <br />and Union City were designated as Tier 2 as shown in the table below. San Leandro's formula <br />share is about $559,000, but the city cannot access these funds without the joint agreement and <br />application submittal to HCD. <br />State Funded NSP-Eligible Tier 2 Cities <br />Alameda $113,566 <br />Berkele $177,3 3 5 <br />Fremont $638,964 <br />Livermore $3 56,115 <br />San Leandro $559,007 <br />Union City $499,074 <br />Tier 2 totals: $2,344,060 <br />DISCUSSION <br />In order to apply to HCD for NSP funds, Tier 2 cities within the same county must enter into a <br />joint agreement to reach the minimum threshold of $1 million in NSP funds. If approved, the City <br />will then enter into a joint agreement with the cities of Alameda, Berkeley, Fremont, Livermore, <br />and Union City. Along with San Leandro, the other five cities are taking the joint agreement (see <br />Attachment A) before their City Councils for approval in March and April. <br />After approval of the joint agreement, the City of Livermore will submit an application to the State <br />for NSP funds on behalf of San Leandro and the other remaining participating cities. The City of <br />Livermore will act as the lead entity for the joint agreement because it has the staffing capacity and <br />to streamline administration among the participating cities. If HCD approves the joint application, <br />Livermore will become the direct NSP grant recipient while the other cities including San Leandro <br />will become subrecipients to the City of Livermore through the joint agreement. Consistent with <br />HUD regulations, Livermore must assume responsibility for administering the State NSP grant on <br />behalf of all entities in the joint agreement and to comply with applicable program requirements. <br />As the grant recipient, Livermore will apply to the State on behalf of the participating cities <br />through a Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) application. It is anticipated that the State will <br />release its NOFA in late April to early May. <br />The State requires that NSP funds be made available, as mandated by HUD, to address the problem <br />of abandoned and foreclosed homes and be targeted to areas based on greatest need, including <br />those with the greatest percentage of home foreclosures, highest percentage of homes financed by a <br />