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As part of the implementation of the NSP and consistent with HUD's guidelines, HCD <br />has identified jurisdictions eligible to receive State NSP funds in the following three tiers: <br />Tier 1 Direct Allocations - HCD will exclude those jurisdictions that received an <br />allocation from HUD either directly or indirectly through an Urban County <br />agreement. All other jurisdictions are eligible for consideration. However, HCD <br />will limit the minimum allocation under Tier 1 to $1 million. <br />Tier 2 Joint or Cumulative Allocations -HCD will allow jurisdictions that did not receive <br />allocations in Tier 1, due to the minimum threshold of $1 million, to apply for <br />funds if they combine with other jurisdictions through a joint agreement to meet <br />this threshold. <br />Tier 3 Allocations for the 50-Percent Targeted Income Group -HCD will distribute 25 <br />percent of the California allocation plus up to 5 percent for general administrative <br />costs to cities and counties that can meet HUD's requirement for housing <br />targeted to households at or below 50 percent of area median income, provided <br />the applicant has met the threshold of $1 million required under Tier 1 and Tier 2. <br />Each Party is located in Alameda County and has been identified by HCD as an eligible <br />jurisdiction to receive a portion of the State NSP Funds as follows: <br />ELIGIBLE <br />JURISDICTIONS ELIGIBLE FUNDS BY CITY <br />TIER 2 Cities <br />Alameda $113,566 <br />Berkele $177,335 <br />Fremont $638,964 <br />Livermore $356,115 <br />San Leandro $559,007 <br />Union Cit $499,074 <br />Total: $2,344,061 <br />The total cumulative amount of NSP funds available to the eligible Participating Public <br />Jurisdictions is $2,344,061 ("Local NSP Funds"). <br />The Parties desire to enter into this joint agreement to: reach the minimum dollar <br />thresholds to participate in the NSP and receive the Local NSP Funds; identify the City of <br />Livermore as the lead entity; identify the Cities of ,Alameda, Berkeley, Fremont, San Leandro <br />and Union City as subrecipients; document that the subrecipients agree to participate in the <br />lead entity's NSP program; document that this Agreement and the local entity's NSP program <br />is covered by HCD's NSP requirements; and, ensure the Parties satisfy the State and Federal <br />NSP requirements for the receipt and use of the Local NSP Funds. <br />NOW THEREFORE, the City of Livermore and the Cities of Alameda, Berkeley, <br />Fremont, San Leandro and Union City hereby agree that the aforementioned recitals are true <br />and correct, and in recognition of the mutual consideration provided herein, further agree as <br />follows: <br />NSP Joint Agreement Page 2 <br />