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8E Consent 2009 0406
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Packet 2009 0406
8E Consent 2009 0406
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4/3/2009 10:36:06 AM
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4/3/2009 10:36:06 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Staff Report
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First-Time Homebuyer Program Appropriation 2 April 6, 2009 <br />As of March 31, the City FTHB Program has approved seven loans totaling $201,600. There are <br />three other loan applications totaling $90,000 awaiting City review and approval. If these three <br />loans are approved, the remaining loan balance for FY 08-09 will be down to $8,400. Therefore, <br />staff is recommending an additional $142,000 to bring the loan balance to $150,000, which will <br />be enough for at least another five more loans through the end of this fiscal year. <br />A key reason behind the high demand for the City FTHB loans is the lowered existing home <br />sales prices over the last year as well as the availability of some foreclosed houses, which has <br />helped to make homeownership more affordable in San Leandro to low and moderate income <br />first time homebuyers. For San Leandro as of January 2009, the median sales price for single <br />family homes was $337,500 (down from $477,450 a year ago), while the median sales price for <br />condominiums/townhomes was $210,000 (down from $375,000 from a year ago) according to <br />BayEast Association of Realtors. In contrast, the high FTHB loan demand in FY 2007-08 <br />stemmed mainly from the availability of inclusionary or below market xate for-sale units, <br />particularly the Willows, which converted several units from apartments to condos. The City <br />Council also added $161,000 to the FTHB loan program in FY 2007-08 due to high demand. <br />Current Redevelopment Agency Policy <br />The City First Time Homebuyer Program is included in the San Leandro Redevelopment Agency <br />2004-2009 Implementation Plan as a program to help the City/Agency achieve its affordable <br />housing goals. <br />Previous Redevelopment Agency Action(s) <br />On September 3, 1996, the Redevelopment Agency adopted Resolution Number 96-31, a <br />resolution approving modifications to the First Time Homebuyer Program. The resolution <br />increased the maximum eligible income for first time homebuyer assistance from 110% of <br />Alameda County median income to 120% of median as provided for in State redevelopment law. <br />On June 16, 1997, the Redevelopment Agency adopted Resolution Number 97-13 to make <br />further modifications to the program. The changes included: reducing the program assistance <br />from 5% to 4% of the purchase price, collecting an annual participation fee from program <br />lenders to increase the loan fund, shortening the loan repayment term from 30 to 20 years, <br />allowing all loan repayment income to be added to the program budget, and requiring <br />compliance with the City of San Leandro Community Standards Ordinance. <br />On January 21, 2003, the Redevelopment Agency adopted Resolution Number 2003-002RDA to <br />further modify the program. The changes included: increasing the maximum loan from $10,000 <br />to $20,000, eliminating the requirement that limited the maximum loan amount to 4% of the <br />purchase price, reducing the loan interest rate from 5% to 3%, and allowing the option of <br />repayment of the loan amount and accumulated interest to be deferred conditionally for <br />homebuyers whose incomes are 80% or less than the area median income. <br />On September 19, 2005, the Redevelopment Agency adopted Resolution Number 2005- <br />023RDA, approving the following changes to the program: increase maximum loan amount from <br />$20,000 to $30,000, allow staff to adjust the existing 3% interest rate to a minimum of 2% <br />below the most current average 30-year fixed rate mortgage no more than twice per fiscal year if <br />needed, work with the Bay Area Homebuyer Agency (BAHBA) to implement the WISH <br />
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