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Previous City Council Action(s) <br />December 17, 2007-Last Resident Green Fee Increase for Monarch Bay Golf Club. <br />City Council Committee Review and Action <br />Not applicable. <br />Applicable General Plan Policy <br />Not applicable. <br />Permits and/or Variances Granted <br />Not applicable. <br />Environmental Review <br />Not applicable. <br />Code Compliance Review <br />Not applicable. <br />Board/Commission Findings <br />Not applicable. <br />Summary of Public Outreach Efforts <br />Public Works staff notified the San Leandro Golf Club, Tony Lema Womens Club and the <br />Marina Ladies Club about proposed resident green fee changes and that City Council would take <br />action on this matter at its Apri16, 2009 meeting. <br />Fiscal Impact <br />It is anticipated that the proposed resident green fee increase will generate an additional $4,300 <br />in green fee revenues annually, of which the City's Shoreline Fund receives 27% of green fee <br />revenues or an additional $1,161. Currently, AGC pays the City approximately $875,000 <br />annually from the operation of Monarch Bay Golf Club. <br />Budget Authority <br />Not applicable. <br />CONCLUSION <br />It is recommended that the City Council approve a Resolution Amending Resident Green Fees <br />for the Monarch Bay Golf Club (Tony Lema and Marina Golf Courses), effective May 1, 2009. <br />