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repayment (principal plus interest) will be approximately $175,000, with interest payments <br />declining over time as the principal balance is paid down. <br />2. Review of Downtown San Leandro 2008 Survey Results <br />Business Development Manager Battenberg informed the Committee that 438 individuals <br />took the Downtown San Leandro survey, which was available on the intereet between <br />September and December 2008. The survey results will be used to direct the City's efforts to <br />improve downtown. <br />Part-time Senior Development Specialist Wegerbauer reviewed the survey results with the <br />Committee (see attached results). <br />3. San Leandro Chamber of Commerce Proposed Additional Business Assistance Services <br />for FY 2008-09 <br />Business Development Manager Battenberg explained the City's Office of Business <br />Development staff has been working with the Chamber of Commerce to develop a program <br />to enhance the City's efforts to support the strong industrial economy in San Leandro and <br />take advantage of the City's recent invitation to join the East Bay Green Corridor. <br />Battenberg explained that in order to most effectively develop an industrial development <br />program, it is necessary to gain input from industrial businesses and property owners, as well <br />as other stakeholders such as brokers and financial and training institutions. These <br />stakeholders will identify ways that the City and Chamber can assist businesses in effectively <br />competing in the marketplace, support local sourcing efforts, and attract new industries, <br />businesses and employees to the area. A proposal from the Chamber of Commerce for these <br />additional business services is attached. <br />Battenberg explained that these additional services were not included in the current <br />Consulting Services Agreement between the Chamber and Agency and staff is <br />recommending approval of $12,500 in additional services in FY 2008-09 for the outreach and <br />networking required to create the industrial development program. <br />The Committee discussed the proposed Consulting Services Agreement and noted that many of <br />the programs budgeted in the current Consulting Services Agreement have not yet been <br />provided due to changes in leadership and will not be billed this fiscal year. <br />Recommendation: <br />The Committee recommends the Agency Executive Director amend the Consulting <br />Services Agreement, removing the programs that will not be completed this year and <br />adding the additional business assistance services, to increase the total contract by <br />X5,000. <br />4. Recommended Changes to the Commercial Facade Improvement Program <br />Business Development Manager Battenberg explained that due to the current economic <br />slowdown staff has had a difficult time implementing the Commercial Facade Improvement <br />