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DRAFT FY 2009-10 HUD ANNUAL ACTION PLAN <br />(CDBG and HOME FUNDS) <br />CDBG FUNDS <br />_ TOTALS <br />FYQ9-10 Cf.I~G Grant ~ $ 720,922 ' <br /> <br /> <br />',Estimated Program Income (PI) PI =Example: Payments of principal and interest on loans made I $0 <br />with CDBG funds <br />~~Unallocated Funds 'Carryover from previous years $0 <br /> <br />iTotal available for projects $ 720,922 <br /> <br />PUBLIC SERVICES <br />Pr ct Pr c qn NaUonal`O ecthre Activ El Ibi '°All n <br />Building Futures with Women and <br />Children (San Leandro Shelter) Provide shelter 8 support services to <br />homeless families in crisis. Shelter 8 <br />support services include counseling, <br />housing placement, parenting classes, 8 <br />childcare. Low/Moderate-Income <br />Clientele -presumed <br />benefit homeless Public service $ 27,900 <br />Davis Street Family Resource <br />Center Provide food, clothing, childcare, medical <br />clinic, job readiness training and social <br />services for low income people Low/Mod Income <br />Clientele -documented <br />51 % income eligible Public service $ 24,670 <br />Project Literacy Provide educational programs for special <br />needs population Low/Mod Income <br />Clientele -presumed <br />benefit illiterate adults Public service $ 27,900 <br />Landlord Tenant Counseling Provide counseling and education to <br />tenants and landlords Low/Moderate-Income <br />Clientele -documented <br />51 % income eligible Public service $ 27,668 <br />Total Amount Available Under 15% Spending Cap $ 108,138 <br /> <br />GENERAL ADMINISTRATION & PLANNING <br />General Administration N/A General admin $ 123,429 <br />Everyone Home Administration Jurisdictional contribution to county-wide <br />Everyone Home administration expenses, <br />including Continuum of Care and HMIS N/A General admin $ 6,755 <br />Fair Housing Provide fair housing services Low Mod Clientele - <br />documented 51% <br />income eligible Public service $ 14,000 <br />I <br />~ <br />1 <br />Total Amount Available Under 20% Spending Cap $144,184 <br /> <br />PUBLIC FAClL1TIES & IMPROVEMENTS <br />Boy's & Girl's Club Facility <br />Improvements Improvements for City-owned Boy's & <br />Girl's Club facility Low Mod Clientele Public facility $ 22,400 <br />City-wide Handicap Accessible Curb <br />Cuts ADA improvements Low Mod Clientele Public facility $ 446,200 <br />Section 108 Loan Design development, land acquisition, and <br />improvements for senior center Low Mod Clientele- <br />seniors Public facility $ 2,500,000 <br />Total Am unt vail bl for Public F ciliti 2 968 600 <br />(Total CDBG Amount Available for Project Expenditures (includes Section 108 Loan) $ 3 220,922 <br />HOME FUNDS <br />FY09-tQ HOME Grant $ 262,724 <br />Car over from Prior Years $ 428 859 <br />~iTotal HOME Amount Available for Protect Expenditures $ 691,583 <br />__ <br />I <br />Pro aet Mme -Peet Description Natlona[ Ob cllve Act(vi Efi ~ iblilry AltocaUon <br />Administration Administrative expenses as per the cap <br />specified in the regulations N/A $ 15,794 <br />Acquisition, rehabilitation and/or new <br />rental construction projects N/A 24 CRF 92.205 $ 675,789 <br />Total 691 583 <br />