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taking more responsibility for after school programs and therefore Recreation and Human <br />Services does have funds for programs, e.g. Youth Employment. <br />Mayor Santos inquired about the self-insurance fund analysis he requested from staff and stated <br />he would like staff to return to the Committee with possibility of transferring more insurance <br />funds. Hollister reminded the Committee that $1 million has already been transferred from the <br />Insurance Funds to the General Fund. Carter also stated that the reported $2.9 million shortfall <br />includes the $1 million transfer therefore the shortfall is actually $3.9 million. Carter also <br />reminded the Committee how important it is to keep at least $5 million in the General Fund <br />reserves, as discussed at the retreat. Interim Assistant City Manager Diaz also advised the <br />Committee that other issues may arise such as increase in Ca1PERS rates in 2010-2011 that <br />would enlarge the deficit. Mayor Santos stated that perhaps the two branch libraries can remain <br />open but with reduced hours and days. Councilmember Prola stated that if there is to be <br />reductions in hours and days, it should be across the board throughout all libraries and therefore <br />it may mean shifting the reductions throughout the library. Director Bohne stated that reducing <br />hours at the Main Library would be substantial as there are a recorded 50,000 people that utilize <br />the library on a monthly basis. Friends of the Library will be making a suggestion to assist with <br />the cost of books to assist in keeping the branch libraries open. <br />Hollister stated that it is possible the City may receive funds to fill 3-6 positions in the Police <br />Department. The monies received will fund the officers for 3 years with an obligation to keep <br />officers for an additional 12 months. Funds to keep the officers beyond that time will be found <br />but it is possible to reapply for more funding as will be an on-going program through the Obama <br />administration. However, Hollister reminded the Committee that although this is good news for <br />the Police Department, this does not free up money for the Library or any other department. <br />Police Chief Willis did comment that there was a priority list if funding is received and top on <br />the list is the School Resource Officers. <br />Mayor Santos asked staff to return to the Committee with revenue enhancements. Benefit <br />Assessment districts are ideas that can be discussed to benefit libraries. Hollister informed the <br />Committee that the same presentation provided to the Committee was shown to employees. Four <br />meetings were held is different locations throughout the city to provide all employees an <br />opportunity to listen to the presentation and ask any questions. Mayor Santos gave his <br />appreciation to all employees of the City and stated that all options will be explored and there <br />will not be any hasty decisions made. Hollister did ask for strong direction to be able to provide <br />a budget by May. <br />3. Committee Member Comments <br />Councilmember Gregory stated that the City of San Leandro has an outstanding "K Street" <br />Lobbyist serving the city. <br />Mayor Santos stated that he is working with the Mayor's Conference as well as the City Manager <br />to start meeting with other Alameda County cities on coordinating budget issues and see if all <br />cities can work together. <br />Mayor Santos and Councilmembers Gregory and Prola thanked staff for all of their hard work. <br />3 <br />