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Finance Highlights 2009 0324
City Clerk
City Council
Finance Committee
Finance Highlights 2009 0324
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4/3/2009 11:11:28 AM
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4/3/2009 11:11:27 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Committee Highlights
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_CC Agenda 2009 0406
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Mayor Santos directed staff to inspect the dugouts at the San Leandro Baseball Park as there <br />were obvious leaks. It is possible that Park In-Lieu funds can be used. Mayor Santos also stated <br />he was concerned about borrowing against future CDBG funds as well as RDA funds. $9.1 <br />million of RDA funds still needs to be provided for the building of low income house. <br />4. Public Comments <br />San Leandro Unified School District (SLUSD) Superintendant Chris Lim stated that school <br />district is at bare bones and would like the Committee and Council to add the district onto the <br />ACI contract for garbage pick-up. Mayor Santos asked for City Attorney Jayne Williams input. <br />Williams stated that she would have to research but saw a potential problem with the Franchise <br />Agreement as well as issues with Proposition 218. Williams stated that the SLUSD is a separate <br />entity and ACI should negotiate a separate contract but it should remain separate from the City. <br />Bakaldin stated that at the current rate schedule, the SLUSD is paying approximately $180,000 <br />for services and should the City add the services to their contract the cost could more than <br />double. Mayor Santos agreed and also reminded everyone that the City of San Leandro has two <br />districts: San Leandro as well as San Lorenzo. It would not be fair to add the SLUSD and not <br />San Lorenzo Unified School District to the contract. Councilmember Prola reiterated his desire <br />to assist the school district. <br />Gordon Galvan of DSFRC thanked the City Council for committing $500,000 towards the <br />purchase of the building however also expressed his desire for the Committee to commit to <br />another $1 million of CDBG funds for a total of $1.5 million. <br />Morgan Mack-Rose of SLUSD Board of Trustees thanked the Councilmember Prola and Mr. <br />Pellegrini for being willing to work with the school district. Mack-Rose inquired that if the <br />schools that are within the San Lorenzo School District have an agreement with the city for <br />recreation purposes, why would there be a problem with the sanitary district. <br />Tim Holmes also thanked the city for working with the school district and DSFRC. He would <br />like to request $1.5 million be given to DSFRC for the purchase of the building and land. <br />5. Adjourn <br />The meeting was adjourned at 10:18 a.m. <br />3 <br />
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