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8A Consent 2009 0406
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Packet 2009 0406
8A Consent 2009 0406
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4/3/2009 11:18:56 AM
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4/3/2009 11:18:53 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Draft Minutes
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DRAFT MINUTES <br /> Page 15 <br />March 2, 2009 <br />City of San Leandro City Council and San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting <br /> <br /> <br />Councilmember Starosciak thanked staff for putting together a great retreat, and she thanked <br />her Council colleagues for an interesting day, remarking how well the Council gets along. <br />She reminded everyone about the bocce ball tournament to benefit the League of California <br />Cities Political Action Committee. Councilmember Starosciak commented on the upcoming <br />trip to Washington, D.C. to talk with federal legislators. Mayor Santos has asked her to lead <br />the delegation, and she looks forward to a trip full of hope and success for securing funding <br />for San Leandro projects. She thanked Mayor Santos for providing the minutes of the East <br />Bay Regional Communication System Authority (EBRCSA) meeting. She expressed surprise <br />that the $100 fee per radio was an annual rather than one-time fee, and she expressed interest <br />in seeing accomplishments to date. Councilmember Starosciak asked Mayor <br />Santos to consider recommending to EBRCSA that, for transparency purposes, it conduct an <br />annual audit versus biannual audit. She commented that she shares the concerns of Contra <br />Costa Sheriff Warren Rupf that EBRCA has not conducted an overall ownership inventory, <br />and has not prepared a JPA strategic plan. <br /> <br />Mayor Santos responded to some of the issues related to EBRCSA that Councilmember <br />Starosciak raised. He reported that the Chair of EBRCSA will send a letter to legislative <br />leaders in Alameda and Contra Costa Counties, requesting funding from the federal stimulus <br />package to secure the funding necessary to complete the system. <br /> <br />Councilmember Prola added his appreciation to staff for retreat. He commented <br />that on February 25, he attended the Citizens Shoreline Advisory Committee meeting at the <br />Marina Inn. He commented favorably on the Master Developer <br />input. Councilmember Prola commented on a letter he received from a resident regarding <br />,an event on Saturday, March 28, 8:30-9:30 p.m., sponsored by the World <br />Wildlife Federation. The letter requests a Council resolution, encouraging employees to turn <br />off non-essential lighting during Earth Hour. Councilmember Prola thanked staff for the <br />efforts to locate funding for DSFRC. He passed out books to the Council <br />Walmart is Destr <br /> <br />Vice Mayor Stephens thanked staff for a good retreat. <br /> <br />Councilmember Souza thanked everyone involved in the retreat, and expressed appreciation <br />for the effort involved in arranging it. She commented on the interesting insights on <br />government and leadership by the youngsters at the reading awareness event at Madison <br />School and the Career Day at San Leandro High School. Councilmember Souza also <br />attended the African American Education Forum at Cal State East Bay (CSUEB), the Friends <br />of San Leandro Creek Environmental Forum, and the Chamber of Commerce Industrial <br />Roundtable luncheon. She expressed support for Councilmember <br />recommend that EBRCSA change its audit cycle from biannual to annual. Mayor Santos <br />commented that San Leandro is only one of 35 agencies participating in EBRCSA, but he <br />would discuss the issue with the other representatives from the Alameda County <br />Conference. <br /> <br />Councilmember Gregory commented that he attended the San Leandro High School Boosters <br />event, and Supervisor Lai-Health is not just Healthcare. He noted a <br />movement to support Safe Routes to Sch <br /> <br />
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