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MINUTES Page 14 <br />City of San Leandro City Council and San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting-March 2, 2009 <br />C. Reports on Empowerment Funds <br />Vice Mayor Stephens reported that he is submitting requests for contributions from his <br />Community Empowerment Funds to Washington Elementary School, Roosevelt <br />Elementary School, the San Leandro Arts Commission, and the San Leandro <br />Scholarship Foundation. <br />Mayor Santos reported that he made the following contributions from his Community <br />Empowerment Funds: $100 to the San Leandro High School Jazz Band, $100 to the <br />Bancroft Middle School music program, and $500 to the San Leandro Scholarship <br />Foundation. <br />D. Reports on City Council Committees <br />1. Facilities and Transportation Committee Meeting of February 10, 2009. <br />Accepted as submitted. <br />Councihnember Souza recalled that she had mentioned at the Committee meeting <br />that the speed feedback sign on Cedar was out, and she stated that the sign is still <br />not working. Mayor Santos noted that those on Bermuda are also not working. <br />2. Rules and Communications Committee Meeting of February 5, 2009. Accepted <br />as submitted. <br />Councilmember Prola commented in favor of continuing discussions with the <br />Registrar of Voters regarding Instant Runoff Voting. <br />Mayor Santos remarked that, since the issue of smoking was brought up to the <br />Council, he has become more aware of the problem in San Leandro. <br />12. CITY COUNCIL CO1I~VVIENTS <br />Councilmember Reed commented on the well-organized City Council retreat on Saturday, <br />and she thanked the staff for their contributions to its success. She expressed amazement at <br />the amount of funding the City has provided to its non-profit organizations over the years. <br />Councilmember Reed stated that she has not yet contributed any of her Community <br />Empowerment Funds, and she believed the funds should not be distributed based on an <br />individual councilmember's preference; but rather based on the size of the agency, number of <br />clients served, and need, and then allocate funds evenly across organizations. <br />Councilmember Reed suggested that the Council might consider whether it should continue <br />giving empowerment funds during these tough economic times. She noted that the Council <br />should think of more creative ways to meet DSFRC's funding need. Councilmember Reed <br />commented on the new San Leandro Sports Foundation, which was formed to save Burrell <br />Field. The first public meeting will be held on March 5 at 6:30 p.m. at the Englander. <br />