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.~ <br />17, 1966, ON REEL 1769, IMAGE 797, RECORDS OF ALAMEDA COUNTY; <br />THENCE SOUTH 62° l 6' 30" WEST ALONG THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF <br />_. THE PARCEL OF LAND DESCRIBED IN LAST SAID DEED, 877.46] FEET; <br />'THENCE SOUTH 27° 43' 30" EAST, 5 FEET; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ON A <br />CURVE TO THE LEFT, HAVING A RADIUS OF 322.34 FEET AND A CENTRAL <br />ANGLE OF 2l ° 24' (TANGENT TO SAID CURVE AT LAST MENTIONED POINT <br />BEARS SOUTH 62° 16' 30" WEST), AN ARC DISTANCE OF 120.394 FEET; <br />THENCE SOUTH 40° 52' 30" WEST, TANGENT TO SAID CURVE, AT LAST <br />MENTIONED POINT, 69.970 FEET; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ON A CURVE <br />TO THE LEFT, HAVING A RADIUS OF 322.23 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE <br />OF 4° 22' 45" (TANGENT TO SAID CURVE AT LAST MENTIONED POINT lS <br />LAST DESCRIBED COURSE}, AN ARC DISTANCE OF 24.637 FEET TO A POINT <br />IN SAID NORTHEASTERLY LINE OF GRIFFITH STREET; THENCE NORTH 27° <br />43' 30" WEST ALONG SAID NORTHEASTERLY LINE OF GRIFFIT'II STREET, <br />32.992 FEET TO THE POINT OFBEGINNING: <br />Containing 0.60 acres more or less. <br />Parcel Two: <br />A portion of Lois l and 2, Tract 2947, filed August 24, 1967, Map Book 55, Page 6b, <br />Alameda County Records, described as follows: <br />Beginning at a point on the northwestern line of said Lot 1, distant thereon south b2° 16' <br />30" west, 409.743 feet from the paint of intersection thereof with the western line of <br />Wicks Boulevard, as shown an said map; running thence along the northwestern lines of <br />said Lots 1 and 2, south 62° 16' 30" west, 702.759 feet; thence south 54° 06' 16" west, <br />] 94.287 feet to the northeastern line of Farallon Drive; thence along the last named line <br />south 27° 43' 30" east, 25.257 feet; thence north 54° 06' 16" east, 196.088 feet; thence <br />north 62° I6' 30" east, 700.974 feet; thence north 27° 43' 30" west, 25.00 feet to the Point <br />of Beginning. <br />Containing 0.515 acres more or less. <br />A combined area of 1.119 acres more or less. <br />TOGETHER with alI that certain easement as conveyed by Rawson Drug and Sundry <br />Company to Southern Pacific Company, predecessor to Union Pacific Railroad Company <br />recorded July 16, 1970 in RE 2655 IM 240 Official Records Alameda County, California. <br />Contains an area of 0.103 acres more or less. <br />OFFICE OF REAL ESTATE <br />OMAHA, NEBRASKA <br />January 10, 2007 <br />240686.1eg <br />L <br />