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Measure B Paratransit Application FY 2009-10 2 Apri19, 2009 <br />3. Eliminate service on holidays <br />4. Salary savings by reducing the hours of the part-time Paratransit Coordinator <br />5. Eliminate Group Trips <br />BACKGROUND <br />Analysis <br />Description of Service <br />Funded with Measure B Paxatransit funds, FLEX provides several different types of service. The <br />Shuttle service is available to residents who are at least 60 years old and allows passengers to <br />access the Shuttle at stops throughout the city. The Curb-to-Curb service is available to residents <br />who are at least 75 years old and allows riders to make a reservation for transportation service <br />within the City limits. Both services are available to disabled adults (18+). Measure B funds <br />also provide interim transportation for people that have not yet received approval for East Bay <br />Paratransit. Through the Out-of--Town Medical service, we offer reservation based trips for <br />medical purposes within Alameda County. We currently offer Group Trips for seniors and <br />people with disabilities, although this service will be eliminated in 2009-10. <br />Budget Deficit <br />For the last several years, staff has provided a heads up to Council that the Measure B paratransit <br />grant does not fully cover the cast of the service. We have been operating the program using the <br />annual grant and accumulated carryover funds. Last year, we projected that in 2009-10 the <br />carryover funds would be exhausted and we would need to seek additional funding or reduce <br />service levels. <br />The following table summarizes the program costs. <br />Grants <br />Measure B Grant $ 257,089 <br />Minimum Service Level Grant 75,000 <br />Total Grant Funds 332,089 <br />Pro ram Costs <br />Total Pro am Cost Without Cuts 411,182 <br /> <br />Program Deficit Without Cuts $ - 79,093 <br />Public Input <br />In order to plan for next year, staff gathered public input through two paratransit focus group <br />meetings, the annual paratransit survey and trip/rider pattern analysis. Following is a summary <br />of the input and findings: <br />1. The majority of the trips are for medical appointments, shopping and banking. <br />2. Riders' greatest concern is that the Curb-to-Curb and Out-of--Town Medical service is full <br />and they cannot get the ride that they need. <br />3. Riders indicated that they prefer a fare increase over service reduction. <br />