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Alameda County Transportation Improvement Authority <br />Special Transportation for Seniors and People with Disabilities <br />Budget #or Fund Application <br />Line Number <br />REVI <br />Jurisdiction: <br />Fiscal Year for Which Funds are Requested: <br />Preparer <br />Date of Preparation: <br />SED Februa 2009 <br />Ci of San Leandro <br />FY 2009-10 <br />Joann Oliver <br />March 3, 2009 <br />Col. D <br />Section 1: Revenues <br />1 Measure B <br />2 MSL Gap Grant <br />3 Fares <br />4 General fund <br />5 Fund balance-undesignated*. <br />6 Reserve funds--designated for capital* <br />7 Reserve funds-designated for operations <br />8 Other: <br />9 Total reported revenue <br />10. Fares retained by vendors*` <br />11 Adjusted revenue <br />Col. A Col. B Goi. C <br />Projected Plan for <br />Actual Prior Current FY - Budget FY - <br />FY - 07/08 08/09 09/10 <br />Budget vs. <br />Current. <br />$270,171 $257,089 $257,089 0.0% <br />$60,000 $125,000 $75,000 -40.0% <br />$0 $18,600 #DIV/0! <br />$0 #DIV/0! <br />$88,936 #DIV/Ol <br /> #DtVIO! <br /> $7,353 #DIVIO! <br /> #DIV/0! <br />$419,107 $3$2,089 $358,042 -6.3% <br /> #DN>0! <br />$419,107 $382,089 $358,042 -6.3% <br />*See "Definitions of Terms" for defininitions of "Fund Balance" and "Reserve." Total fund balance and reserve <br />funds for the Budget FY should equal projected Net Revenue (Line 30) for the current FY. <br />**lf accounting procedures permit, include fares retained by providers with "fares." Otherwise show them here. <br />12 <br />13 <br />14 <br />Section 2: ratin Ex enditures b Ex ense Cate o <br />Labor and fringe $113,065 $92,446 $83,365 -9.8% <br />Administrative expense $6,406 $3,890 $4,000 2.8°I° <br />MSL Gap Grant Expenditures $51,157 $50,000 $75,000 50.0% <br />Contacts and Qrants (list each): <br />15 <br />1-6 <br />17 <br />18 <br />19 <br />20 <br />2.1 <br />22 <br />23 <br />24 <br />Grou Tri s $19,771 $10,400 $0 -100.0% <br /> #DIV/0! <br /> #DIV/0! <br /> #DIV/0! <br />Taxi reimbursement #D1V/0! <br />Purchase of EBP Tickets #DIV/0! <br />Transportation expense $231,945 $218,000 $195,677 -10.2% <br />Miscellaneous #D1V/0! <br />Tota# reported operating expenditures $422,344 $374,736 $358,042 -4:5°l0 <br />Adjusted operating expenditures' $422,344 $374,736 $358,042 -4.5% <br />*Including fares retained by providers and not reported as revenue. <br />Section 3: Capital F~cpenditures <br />25 Vehicles <br />26 Other: <br />27 Total capital expenditures <br />28 Section 4: Depreciation <br />(if allowed) <br />29 Section 5: Net Revenue <br />$0 #DIV/0! <br />$1,202 #DIV/0! <br />$1,202 $0 $0 #DIV/0! <br />$0 #DN/0! <br />-$4,439 $7,353 $0 -100.0% <br />MB Annual Program Application Budget FY0910 <br />