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City Council Rules and Communications Committee <br />March 24, 2009 <br />i2 <br />Committee Member Souza suggested that the City focus its regulations on public places. She <br />asked whether there were tobacco use restrictions in senior housing facilities that receive City <br />funding, such as Estabrook. Ms. Ornelas indicated that there no such restrictions placed on <br />that project. Ms. Ornelas suggested that the Committee members create a list of the policies <br />they would like to consider. The Committee compiled the following list to be considered for <br />smoking regulations: <br />• Public events <br />• Multi-family housing <br />• Within 300 feet of schools <br />• All places of employment, including those with 5 or fewer employees (except private <br />homes) <br />• Recreational facilities <br />• 20 feet from any doorway or window <br />• Exemptions for 25% of guest rooms in hotels, sidewalks and rights of way <br />Chief Willis noted that new regulations would require education of the police force, as well as <br />the public. <br />Paul Cummings, of the Alameda County Public Health Department Tobacco Control Program, <br />offered to work with the City in developing its ordinance. <br />Adam Davis, of the American Lung Association, commented that landlords in Oakland came <br />to realize the advantages of converting their units to non-smoking. <br />Ms. Ornelas pointed out that a restriction on all places of employment would include owner- <br />operatedbars, which are currently exempt from regulation. Staff will develop a draft <br />ordinance with the requested provisions, and bring it back to the Committee to review. <br />2. Discussion Regarding Combining the Planning Commission and Board of Zoning <br />Adjustments <br />Community Development Director Luke Sims reported that this idea was first suggested by <br />Councilmember Starosciak as a budget saving measure. Subsequently, City Manager Hollister <br />asked staff to look into the possibility of combining the two bodies. <br />Planning Manager Kathleen Livermore described the differences in the two bodies: the <br />Planning Commission makes recommendations to the City Council on policy matters, such as <br />those related to the General Plan, rezonings, and vesting tentative maps; the Board of Zoning <br />Adjustments makes decisions on applications for zoning matters such as conditional use <br />permits, variances, and site plan reviews, and also conducts code enforcement hearings. <br />