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City Council Rules and Communications Committee <br />March 24, 2009 <br />~3 <br />Mr. Sims stated that larger cities often have both a planning commission and zoning board, <br />while cities of comparable size to San Leandro usually have only a planning commission. <br />There would be minor budget savings, primarily from staff time and agenda and minutes <br />preparation. He added that the work of the bodies is driven by the applications received. Mr. <br />Sims suggested that if the Committee wished to proceed with combining the two bodies, it <br />would be advisable to have aphase-out plan. Mr. Sims noted that code enforcement hearings <br />are becoming a large portion of the BZA's work, and he suggested creating an Appeals Board, <br />which could be made up of three rotating members of the Commission. If the Appeals Board <br />held its hearings in the late afternoon, it would minimize staff overtime. <br />Committee Member Stephens suggested that, in addition to the seven-member commission, <br />there could be a separate three-member Appeals Board that meets in the afternoons. He <br />expressed concern with one body assuming the combined workload of the Planning <br />Commission and BZA. The other Committee members agreed with his suggestion. <br />Ms. Livermore pointed out that a body of more than seven members would be difficult to <br />accommodate due to the configuration of the Council Chamber. Staff will schedule <br />discussions with members of the Planning Commission and Board of Zoning Adjustments, and <br />report back to the Committee with the results of these discussions. <br />3. Discussion Regarding Policy to Prohibit Dogs on Designated Playing Fields <br />Mr. Hollister reported that this matter was referred to the Committee at the request of <br />Councilmember Starosciak. Councilmember Starosciak had expressed concern that pet owners <br />who allowed their dogs off-leash on playing fields were not cleaning up after them, and were <br />creating a health hazard for people playing on the fields. <br />Interim Police Chief Willis, Public Works Services Director Mike Bakaldin and Recreation & <br />Human Services Director Carolyn Knudtson were present to provide input to the Committee's <br />discussion. Chief Willis reported that the City currently has both a leash law (SLMC Sect. 4- <br />11-300) and a pooper scooper law (SLMC Sect. 4-11-325). The City has two animal control <br />officers, but enforcement of these laws is of lower priority, except when public safety is a <br />concern. <br />Committee Member Santos asked whether it is necessary to adopt an additional law <br />prohibiting dogs on playing fields given the laws that are already in effect. <br />Mr. Bakaldin commented that some of the City's playing fields are fenced in, and some are <br />not. He indicated that signage is difficult on the non-fenced in playing fields. Mr. Bakaldin <br />suggested that the Committee could consider prohibiting dogs from all reservable fenced in <br />playing fields. The Committee members expressed interest in pursuing this option. Assistant <br />City Attorney Rich Pio Roda noted that this action could be accomplished through a <br />resolution. <br />