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Reso 2009-053
City Clerk
City Council
Reso 2009-053
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9/9/2011 12:05:52 PM
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4/23/2009 2:12:50 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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3A Public Hearing 2009 0420
\City Clerk\City Council\Agenda Packets\2009\Packet 2009 0420
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ACTIVITY LOCATIONS <br />The City is permitted to spend up to I S% of its annual CDBG entitlement grant funds, plus <br />previous year's program income, on public services, which are very broadly defined. Some of the <br />previous public service projects the City has funded include emergency shelter services, multi- <br />services (through a community service center), employment services, fair housing counseling, <br />literacy programs, tenant/landlord counseling, and services for disabled households. <br />CDBG funds can be used for four (4) general types of projects: housing, capital projects, <br />economic development, and public services. All projects must meet at least one (1) of HUD's <br />national objectives: 1) to benefit low/moderate-income people; 2) to prevent or eliminate slums <br />and blight; and 3) to meet an urgent community development need. CDBG funds must be used <br />for the direct delivery of services and not for general overhead or administrative costs that are <br />unrelated to the project being funded. <br />Even if a project is suitable for one of the City's eligible categories, it must also pass the low- and <br />moderate-income benefit test. A project basically meets this standard if at least 51% of the <br />beneficiaries have low and moderate incomes (i.e., incomes at or below 80% of Area Median <br />Income) or if the project benefits an area (e.g., census tracts, service area, neighborhood, etc.) with <br />a majority of lower-income people. Funded projects are required to document the income levels of <br />persons and households receiving these services. <br />Through the City's Community Assistance Program (CAP), the City of San Leandro supports <br />community-based non-profit organizations that provide public services to San Leandro residents. <br />There are two (2) sources of funds for CAP: the City's General Fund and CDBG funds. The <br />City's Request for Proposals (RFP) process occurs every two (2) years through CAP. <br />Proposals submitted through the CAP process are reviewed by members of the Human Services <br />Commission and City staff. The City's Consolidated Plan provides guidance for the City's <br />Human Services Commission (HSC) and staff in allocating CDBG funds in the community. <br />Because there are special CDBG eligibility and reporting requirements, City staff work closely <br />with the HSC to determine which agencies are best suited for CDBG funds. <br />HSC members evaluate applications using HSC and CDBG evaluation criteria. Below is a partial <br />list of the specific criteria used to evaluate CDBG-funded applications: <br />• Project is CDBG-eligible and meets one of the three National Objectives (stated above). <br />• Project is consistent with the community priorities and goals stated in the Consolidated Plan <br />and/or other City planning documents and needs assessments. <br />• Prior experience and performance with CDBG-related activities and/or <br />• Prior experience with other grant programs, and proven record carrying out service projects <br />in the community. <br />• Financial capacity as indicated by audited financial statements. <br />• Adequate staffing (staff size, experience, and qualifications). <br />• Organizational strength (e.g., record-keeping methods, financial systems, data collection). <br />Fina/Action Plan - FY2009-10 <br />City of San Leandro <br />Page 11 <br />
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