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PART IV. COORDINATION EFFORTS <br />The City of San Leandro will continue to coordinate available CDBG, HOME, HUD-EDI, <br />Redevelopment Housing Set-Aside, City Affordable Housing Trust Fund, and General Funds to <br />provide housing programs, public service assistance, capital improvements, and economic <br />development activities for eligible residents and neighborhoods in FY 2009-10. <br />Housm~ <br />Housing-related activities will be coordinated between various City divisions, including <br />Redevelopment, Planning, and CDBG. The City will also coordinate with Alameda County, <br />County HOME Consortium member cities and non-profit agencies to address housing needs. <br />The City will also work with Alameda County to administer HOME funds for affordable housing <br />acquisition, rehabilitation, and/or new construction of affordable rental housing. The City will <br />continue to contract for housing services such as fair housing and tenant/landlord counseling. <br />The Redevelopment Agency and CDBG staff will continue to work closely with local non-profit <br />agencies, the County, and other HOME Consortium members to identify permanent affordable, <br />emergency and transitional housing needs (along with necessary supportive services) for the <br />homeless and/or persons with special needs. HOME Consortium members have agreed to <br />continue funding LINKAGES, a transitional housing program that provides rental subsidies, job <br />preparation and placements, case management, and other support services to homeless families. <br />Public Services <br />Public Services will be supported by both CDBG and City Community Assistance Program <br />funding (from General Funds). Efforts will continue to include the Human Services Commission <br />(HSC) and non-profit agency directors/members to improve and evaluate the needs assessment <br />and funding process further. HSC identifies social service needs in the community and <br />recommends to the City Council possible ways to meet those needs. HSC also evaluates and <br />encourages the provision of social services in the City, reviews requests for funds, and makes <br />recommendations for City financial support to social service agencies. <br />Public Facilities <br />CDBG funds are expected to be made available for City-initiated and/or non-profit capital <br />improvement projects. Should funds be available, non-profit improvements will be coordinated <br />within the City's Planning, Building & Safety Services, Engineering & Transportation <br />Departments, and the City Council. <br />Economic Development <br />Commercial revitalization efforts will continue through the City's Office of Business <br />Development (OBD) staff. OBD staff work closely with CDBG staff, local business <br />organizations (such as the Chamber of Commerce and Downtown Business Association), <br />surrounding communities, and various other economic development organizations to address and <br />determine the City's future economic and job needs better. <br />Final Aciion Plan - FY2009-10 <br />City of San Leandro <br />Page 19 <br />