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$~~e ~t~',~r <br />~~~~ ~t <br />~~ * fff ~~ S F 4 2 4 <br />~~.~~,~~~~~ The SF 424 is part of the CPMP <br />Annual Action Plan. SF 424 form f elds are included in this document. Grantee information is <br />linked from the 1 CPMP.xIs document of the CPMP tool. <br />~~- <br />.. , <br />. ~, <br />~~. ~~- <br />n. _ . ~ , <br />,.. _ - , <br />Complete the fillable fields (blue cells) in the table below. The other items are pre-filed with values from the Grantee <br />Information Worksheet. <br /> <br />ate.Subrnitted.04120109 pplicant Ident~'ier <br />C-06-0017 ~ <br />T~ e-oiF.Subni~ipn <br />to Received b "state tate fdentifieri300-3859-9 cation era` lication <br />ate"Received b "HUD ederal Identifier Construction Construction. <br /> Non Construction ~ idon C~nstraetion <br />f <br />urisdiction: Cit of San Leandro UOG Code CA63276 SAN LEANDRO <br />treat Address Line 1 835 East 14~h Street r anizational DUNS 08-616-6261 <br />treat Address Line 2 r anizational Unit <br />it San Leandro alifornia De artment Communi Develo ment <br />IP 94577 ount U.S.A. Division Housin Services <br />m to ident#Fication Number EIN : Count Alameda <br />4-6000421 Pro ram Year Start Date 07/01/09 <br />ppiicant "Type. ify Other Type If necessary: <br />ocal Government Township Municipal ecif Other T e <br /> <br />r F U:S. Department of <br />lfiousin "anti Urban If~velo t <br />atalogue of Federal Domestic Assistance Numbers; Descriptive Title of Applicant Project(s); Areas Affected by <br />Project(s) (cities, Counties, localities etc.); Estimated Funding <br />ommuntty Qeveiopment BFock Grant 14.218 "Entitlement Grant <br />DBG Project Tifles FY 2©09- 20(310 Consolidated Annual <br />coon Plan' Description of Areas Affected by CDBG Project(s) <br />it of San Leandro <br />720,922 GDBG Grant Amount ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Describe <br />Additional Federal Funds Leveraged" Additional State Funds Leveraged : " <br />Locally Leveraged Funds Grantee Funds Leveraged <br />UAntieipated"Prograrrilncorrae ~ ~ thef~(I}ascribe)"-$2,5DO,OOOk1UD$ecEion~1(38 . <br />oan <br />ptal Funds Leveraged for GD6G-based Project(s) $3;220>922 <br />Fine! Action Plan - FY2009-70 <br />City of San Leandro <br />Page 1 <br />