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HUD Section 108 Loan Guarantee Program Application for Senior Center <br />Applicant: City of San Leandro <br />6. Proiect Implementation <br />Below is the estimated project schedule: <br />• July 2008 -Council approved general contractor, Alten Construction, for Phase 2 <br />(new construction) of the senior center project after open and competitive bid <br />process <br />• October 2008 -start of construction including site demolition, subgrade <br />preparation and undergrounding utilities <br />• Spring 2009 -pouring concrete slab and installing structural steel frames for the <br />senior center <br />• Summer 2009 -City, which has been using other fundings sources for Phase 2 <br />(see "Sources and Uses" above), will need Section 108 loan funds by this summer <br />preferably by end of July if feasible. <br />• Fa112009 -exterior of senior center expected to be completed <br />• Winter 2009-2010 -begin interior work on senior center <br />• Spring 2010 -anticipated completion of construction with grand opening in June <br />or July 2010. <br />7. Eligible Activity <br />Construction of the City senior center (Phase 2) is eligible under 24 CFR (Code of <br />Federal Regulations) Section 570.703(1), which states "Acquisition, construction, <br />reconstruction, rehabilitation or historic preservation, or installation of public <br />facilities...." <br />8. NationalObiective <br />The senior center, including Phase 2, meets the following national objective under the <br />CDBG Program regulations: "Activities benefitting low- and moderate-income persons" <br />The senior center specifically meets 24 CFR 570.208(a)(2)(i)(A) under CDBG <br />regulations which defines seniors as presumed to be "principally low and moderate <br />income persons". <br />9. Public Benefit Standards <br />Not applicable as the senior center is not a proposed eligible special economic <br />development activity (set forth at 24 CFR 570.703(I)(1) or (2)). <br />