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2512 Davis Funding CM Auth 4 May 4, 2009 <br />• Planning Commission Meeting—November 8, 2007, Minutes for Agenda 07-21 <br />- Motion to find the City's proposal regarding the property at 2550 Davis Street in <br />conformance with the San Leandro General Plan, (Dlugosh/Ponder; 6 Ayes, 9 Noes: <br />Nardine absent) <br />• Planning Commission Meeting --April 23, 2009, Minutes for Agenda 09-08 <br />- Motion to find the City's proposal regarding the properties at 2648 and 2650 Eden Road <br />and 2506 and 2512 Davis Street in conformance with the San Leandro General Plan, <br />(Abero/Reed; 7 Ayes, 0 Noes: 0 absent) <br />Summary of Public Outreach Efforts <br />Property owners within 100' of the project were notified of the Planning Commission meeting in <br />2006, and the meeting was posted on Eden Road and Davis Street. <br />Fiscal Impact <br />$805,000 will be appropriated to the West San Leandro – MacArthur Boulevard Redevelopment <br />Joint Project Area Fiscal Year 2008-09 Budget, funded with monies available in the fund <br />balance. <br />BudIzet Authority <br />• The City and the Redevelopment Agency have agreed to execute a Cooperation Agreement <br />to provide funding for the design and construction of Eden Road <br />• The acquisition of the property required for this project requires an allocation of $805,000 <br />from the West San Leandro – MacArthur Boulevard Redevelopment Area Fund Balance, and <br />there are sufficient funds available to meet this need <br />014_qe��� _,,r) <br />Pe Carter, Inter' Ag cy Ireasurer <br />AttnvhmPnk <br />• Site Map <br />CONCLUSION <br />Staff recommends adoption of the resolutions of the City Council and the Redevelopment <br />Agency approving a Cooperation Agreement for the purpose of undertaking improvement <br />activities and acquiring property relating to the Eden Road Development project and <br />appropriating $805,000 for acquisition costs. <br />K:\AA-C\C0UNCIL\2009\5_MAY 04\2512 DAVIS FUNDING CM AUTH MEM.doex <br />