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the Ciry and the Agency, a copy of which has been provided to the City Council and is on <br />file with the City Clerk. <br />NOW THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Council of <br />the City of San Leandro as follows: <br />Section 1: The City Council hereby fmds and determines that (i) any <br />temporary use and any future development and use of the Property will most likely be <br />uses contemplated by and consistent with the TOD Strategy plan and implementing <br />ordinances adopted by the Ciry in September, 2007; (ii) redevelopment and reuse of the <br />Property for these uses will not generate any significant environmental impacts that are <br />greater or different than environmental impacts of the TOD Strategy analyzed in the <br />certified Final Environmental Impact Report adopted in connection with approval of the <br />TOD Strategy and implementing ordinances; (iii) the building located on the Property <br />("Building") is not a historical resource of any kind, and demolition and replacement of <br />the Building will not have any significant adverse historic, archeological, aesthetic or <br />other significant environmental effect; and (iv) pursuant to Public Resources Code § § <br />21094 and 21166 and CEQA Guidelines §§ 15162 and 15168(c), all potential <br />environmental impacts of acquisition, reuse and redevelopment of the Property have been <br />adequately addressed in the previous Final EIR, and no subsequent or additional <br />environmental review is required for the acquisition and contemplated reuse and eventual <br />redevelopment of the Property. <br />Section 2: The City Council hereby determines that (i) the acquisition of the <br />Property will assist in the elimination of blight in the Project Area, will assist in the <br />redevelopment of the Property, and will be consistent with the Redevelopment Plan and <br />the Implementation Plan adopted in connection therewith; and (ii) the making of the Loan <br />will not impair the Agency's ability to carry out the redevelopment plan for the West San <br />Leandro/MacArthur Boulevard Redevelopment Project Area. <br />Section 3: The City Council hereby approves the MOU and the making of the <br />Loan. <br />Section 4: The City Council hereby approves the Purchase and Sale Agreement <br />substantially in the form on file with the City Clerk, and authorizes the expenditure of Six <br />Million One Hundred Seventy-Five Thousand Dollars ($6,175,000) in tax increment <br />funds (including the Loan proceeds) for the acquisition of the Property in accordance <br />with the terms and conditions set forth in the Purchase and Sale Agreement. <br />Section 5: The City Manager is hereby authorized to execute the MOU on <br />behalf of the City, in substantially in the form on file with the City Clerk, and to execute <br />such other instruments and undertake such other actions as necessary to carry out the <br />intent of this Resolution. <br />Introduced by Councilmember <br />of May, 2009, by the following called vote: <br />and passed and adopted this 4~' day <br />1225805-1 2 <br />