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Finance Highlights 2009 0421
City Clerk
City Council
Finance Committee
Finance Highlights 2009 0421
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6/5/2019 10:18:15 AM
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5/1/2009 12:18:40 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
CM City Clerk-City Council - Document Type
Committee Highlights
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_CC Agenda 2009 0504
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parking citations by $5 to comply with SB 1407 for State Court Facilities Construction fund <br />which went into effect on January 1, 2009; Public Works will increase the berth rates and <br />connection fees by the CPI as well as add a new boat launch fee; and Recreation and Human <br />Services have streamlined their charging for facilities to Base Rate for San Leandro residents, <br />Base Rate + 50% to non-residents and San Leandro business, and Base Rate + 75% for non San <br />Leandro businesses. No changes will be made to Library rates. <br />Mayor Santos asked how much revenue was raised by the Farrelly pool. Recreation and Human <br />Services Director Knudtson stated that Farrelly raised $70,000 in revenue however the City <br />spends $180,000 to maintain. Public Works Director Bakaldin stated that although it is being <br />recommended to suspend swimming activities at Farrelly for fiscal year 2009-10, there will be a <br />cost to maintain the pool of approximately $20,000. Knudtson stated that the Aquatic Center has <br />a cost recovery of approximately 60%. Mayor Santos asked staff to look into a partnership with <br />the San Leandro Unified School District to utilize the pool at San Leandro High School. <br />Committee Recommendation <br />Committee recommended taking to Council for approval. <br />2. Review of 2008-09 General Fund Revenue and Expenditures <br />Interim Finance Director Carter provided a summary of the analyst of major revenue and <br />expenditure accounts for the General Fund as of March 31, 2009. Carter stated that the three <br />major revenues: Sales Tax, Property Tax, and Utility Users' Tax, have all taken a downturn. <br />Based on information received from the City's Sales Tax consultant, Sales Tax revenue was less <br />then anticipated and therefore staff will be reducing the projected 2008-09 sales tax revenue by <br />an additional $800,000 bringing the new estimate to $19.3 million. Carter stated that Property <br />Tax has also shown a downturn and therefore staff will be reducing the budget by an additional <br />$200,000 bringing the estimate amount to $16.8 million. Utility User Tax (UUT) has started to <br />show a decline in February of this year and therefore staff will be reducing the overall revenue <br />estimate by $200,000 to $10.3 million. Carter advised the Committee that there will be difficulty <br />maintaining the $5 million in reserves. Councilmember Prola asked why the UUT would go <br />down. Carter stated that staff had anticipated an increase of $200,000 of UUT revenue and <br />budgeted accordingly. Carter stated that unfortunately trend is not following suit and therefore <br />we must reduce the budget. Councilmember Gregory asked if staff was able to forecast if the <br />addition to the telecommunication portion of the UUT Ordinance would aid in anyway. Carter <br />advised that it was too early to tell. <br />Carter advised the Committee that all departments have worked extremely hard in reducing their <br />expenditures. Savings are developing in several categories, e.g. salaries and benefits, which is <br />due to the freeze on hiring. <br />Mayor Santos verified that fiscal year 2009-10 budget will begin at $6.2 million deficit. Carter <br />stated that according to our Sales Tax Consultant, revenue in this category may decrease by <br />another $1.29 million, reducing the $6.2 million by that amount. Community Development <br />Director Sims verified that in a couple of years, sales tax revenue has decreased from $25 million <br />to $19 million. Hollister advised the Committee that Public Safety may be asked to reduced their <br />budgets as other departments have already reduced their budget significantly. Councilmember <br />Gregory inquired about the Golden Handshake offered to designated classifications and if there <br />2 <br />
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