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was an idea on how many employees would be accepting the offer. Human Resources Director <br />Caire stated that employees were given until October 2009 and therefore we will not know any <br />figures until that time. Councilmember Prola stated that it is time to review revenue <br />enhancement ideas, including raising sales tax by 0.25% to 10% for the City of San Leandro. <br />Mayor Santos stated that the citizens need to approve the increase by a simple majority of 50%. <br />Hollister indicated that the City can have a special election if we declare a fiscal emergency. <br />Interim Assistant City Manager Diaz stated that shrinking the organization is something <br />everyone must come to grips with. <br />3. Review of Council Direction for FY 2009-10 Budget <br />Hollister provided a summary of the March 23, 2009 Council Work Shop Session. He advised <br />that staff anticipated bringing a complete budget to the City Council meeting on May 18, 2009. <br />Mayor Santos inquired if outside funds may be obtained to assist with Youth Employment <br />Program. Recreation and Human Services Director Knudtson stated funds received are given to <br />the agency that offers employment and therefore she must research if outside funds can be <br />utilized. Knudtson advised the San Leandro Chamber of Commerce (Chamber) does not employ <br />the youths but provides screening for other agencies and then suggests where the teens should <br />apply. Mayor Santos stated that perhaps the City should look at taking the program over. <br />Hollister is hopeful that there is stimulus money that we may be able to access. <br />Hollister advised the Committee that the Police Department submitted a grant application <br />requesting funds for 6 officers. Unfortunately the Department of Justice (DOJ) has notified all <br />cities that funds for 6,000 positions were available and they have received requests for 30,000 <br />positions. Therefore the City of San Leandro may only receive funds for 2 officers. Interim <br />Captain Pricco stated he will know more information by September 2009. <br />Mayor Santos stated that the City will honor their two-year commitment with Community <br />Assistance Grant Funding however is unable to make any future commitments after next fiscal <br />year. <br />Knudtson stated that her department is working very hard with vendors on contributing to <br />celebrations, e.g. Cinco de Mayo, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s Birthday, Tree Lighting <br />Ceremony, and others. This is something they have done year to year in order to reduce <br />expenses for the City. Knudtson stated that she received an overwhelming response from <br />vendors after receiving a letter from Mayor Santos requesting their assistance for the Cherry <br />Festival. <br />The Committee would like staff to review the closure of Farrelly Pool and research the <br />possibility of utilizing the pool at San Leandro High School (SLHS). Mayor Santos stated that <br />perhaps refurbishing the high school pool would be less expensive as a joint project. City <br />Engineer Joseph stated that refurbishing Farrelly Pool is on the Capital Improvement Project <br />(CIP) list but was not recommended for FY 2009-10. Hollister reminded the Committee that the <br />closure of Farrelly Pool was temporary but that children in the area can still utilize the SLHS <br />pool for swim lessons and the pool at the Boys & Girls Club for open swim time. <br />Library Services Director Bohne stated that Mulford Garden Library will remain open 4 days a <br />week and the South Branch Library will be open 3 days a week. Also, Casa Peralta and the <br />History Museum will open on the weekends and for school groups. <br />3 <br />