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Finance Highlights 2009 0421
City Clerk
City Council
Finance Committee
Finance Highlights 2009 0421
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5/1/2009 12:18:40 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Committee Highlights
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_CC Agenda 2009 0504
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• Property Tax—once considered a "stable" revenue source the ongoing economic <br />downturn is taking its toll on this important city revenue. In March of each year the City <br />receives an estimate of property tax revenue from the County of Alameda. Staff has <br />received the current year's estimate and the news is not good. Based on the County's <br />estimates and the City's prior experience, staff is estimating that this revenue source <br />will fall short of budget by another $200,000. Consequently, staff is reducing property <br />tax revenue for 2008-09 to $16.8 million. <br />Utility Users Tax—the Utility Users Tax (UUT) is collected on gas, electric and cable <br />services. Remittances for gas and electric use, while meeting target during the first half <br />of the year, have shown declines starting, for the most part, in February of this year. <br />Based on this trend staff is reducing the overall revenue estimate by $200,000 for 2008- <br />09 from $10.5 million to $10.3 million. <br />Expenditures: <br />In addition to reviewing revenues, staff has also reviewed expenditures through the third <br />quarter and it appears that savings are developing in several categories. In particular, <br />Salaries and benefits may come in under budget by approximately $1.6 million. The <br />primary reason for this savings is the "soft" hiring freeze implemented by the City <br />Manager earlier this year. Similarly, a curtailment of certain expenditures such as travel <br />and training is contributing to a savings in the Supplies and Services categories of some <br />$602,000. Finally, the Fire Chief indicated at his last quarterly review of the fire contract <br />that a savings of approximately $127,000 would be realized in 2008-09. Together these <br />savings amount to approximately $2.3 million and partially offset the revenue reductions <br />discussed above. <br />Unfortunately, revenue declines continue to outpace expenditure savings and the General <br />Fund is now projected to have a deficit for 2008-09 of approximately $8.0 million. <br />Staff will continue to monitor all revenue sources in the upcoming months, particularly <br />for the General Fund, and assess any impact both to the current year and the upcoming <br />budget year, 2009-10. <br />Please let me know if you have any questions. <br />
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