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<br />Minutes -City of San Leandro City Council and Page 6 <br />San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting -February 16,1999 <br />The following Resolution was then introduced: <br />-- Resolution Nq. 99-24, Resolution Approving Amendment No. 1 to the Action <br />Plan for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funds, Fiscal Yeaz <br />1998-99 and Authorizing Execution and Submission Thereof by the City <br />Manager (approves an amendment to include funding for a new activity under <br />the category of slums and blight for the renovation of a shopping center <br />located in the West San Leandro/MacArthur Boulevazd Redevelopment <br />Project Area, with an estimated cost of $125,000, as well as authorizes the <br />City Manager to execute and submit the Action Plan Amendment to HUD). <br />(2096) <br />MI5/C Lothrop and Glaze. Ayes: 6; Noes: 0; Absent: Loeffler <br />4. PUBLIC COMMENTS <br />Public Comments are limited to 5 minutes per person, for a total time period of one <br />hour. When you address the City Council, you should fill out a speaker card and <br />submit it to the City Clerk so the order of speakers may be determined and an official <br />record of names and addresses obtained. The public is invited to make any comments <br />related to Agenda items, or other items of public interest, at this time. <br />A. John Momper, Representing the Alameda County Food Bank, 10901 Russet <br />Street, addressed the Council regarding their desire to relocate without any <br />disruption in their business. <br />B. Carey Walker, 471 Santa Monica, addressed the Council regarding railroad <br />crossings in need of repair on Merced between Marina and Fairway. He <br />questioned who is responsible for the repairs. He also voiced concerns regazding <br />the storm water run-off tax, the change which omitted the Open Forum section of <br />the Agenda, and said money should be spent on the people, not raises for <br />employees. <br />The City Manager noted that staff is working with the Railroads regarding repairs. <br />C. Rick Richards, Friends of the Creek, 335 Peralta Avenue, addressed the <br />Council regazding the mural project, noting they hoped it would be utilized as an <br />outdoor classroom. Several classes have visited the project. He shared with the <br />Council a couple of letters the Friends have received from students regazding their <br />visit. <br />