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Minutes -City of San Leandro City Council Meeting <br />April 19, 1999 <br />Page 4 <br />B. Matter of A-98-9; Reclassification from CC Community Commercial District to <br />RS (PD) Residential, Single-Family, Planned Development Overlay District; and <br />PD-98-3 and Vesting Tentative Map, Tracts 7092 and 7093; Planned <br />Development and Vesting Tentative Maps to Construct 60, Single-Family Cluster <br />Homes and 10 Duet/Townhouses (70 total units) on a 5.93-Acre Site; 14363 <br />Chapman Road and 701 Fremont Avenue; Bounded by Fremont Avenue on the <br />West, Chapman Road on the East, and Northerly of the Shopping Center on <br />Floresta Boulevazd Between Washington Avenue and Fremont Avenue; Assessor's <br />Parcel Numbers 77B-1165-2-5; 2-6; 3-2; 4-2; 5-2; and 11; Trumark Companies. <br />No Action Required. (1099/1009/2863) <br />The Public Hearing for this item has been canceled due to the Planning <br />Commission's Denial of PD-98-3 on April 8, 1999. This matter has been <br />appealed by Reed Onate, Trumark Companies, and the Public Hearing to <br />Hear the Appeal is scheduled for May 17, 1999. <br />4. PUBLIC COMMENTS <br />Public Comments are limited to 5 minutes per person, for a total time period of one <br />hour. When you address the City Council, you should fill out a speaker card and <br />submit it to the City Clerk so the order of speakers may be determined and an official <br />record of names and addresses obtained. The public is invited to make any comments <br />related to Agenda items, or other items of public interest, at this time. <br />A. Report by the City Attorney Regarding Speaker Cazds, Election Costs, and <br />Response to Continuous Public Comments. <br />The City Attorney reported on the City Council's authority to use speaker cards, <br />that there were no specified costs for placing Measure "H" or the arguments for <br />and against on the June 2, 1998, ballot; and that Mr. Carey Walker has been <br />responded to on numerous occasions regarding railroad tracks, dischazge into the <br />Bay, and traffic concerns expressed. <br />B. Lori Koven/Candice Knight, 14445 Wake Avenue, spoke regarding the Cherry <br />Festival Planning Committee, and stated they aze hoping to have Z95 radio provide <br />advertising spots for them to mazket the Festival. She noted the venue has <br />changed to Marina Pazk, and they aze looking at shuttle service from downtown to <br />the event as well as pazatransit services for seniors. <br />