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Minutes -City of San Leandro City Council and Page 4 <br />San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting -- May 17, 1999 <br />F. Lou Filipovich, 15376 Laverne Drive, addressed the City Council, stating it <br />is difficult to address this issue when it is not clear how the Council will act, <br />given this is an Appeal. The real question is how much does it cost, who pays <br />for it, and for how long. He said Council Member Loeffler should excuse <br />himself from the discussion and decision on this item because of his recent <br />"Letter to the Editor" on behalf of and the implication of his representing the <br />interests of the School District. He concluded by stating he would be <br />supportive of sending this issue back to the Planning Commission for review. <br />There being no further comments from the public, the Public Hearing was closed. <br />M/S/C Loeffler and Galvan. Ayes: 7; Noes: 0 <br />The Applicant responded to comments, noting there is private space available, <br />there has been a review by the School District regarding impacts, and the School <br />District is supportive of their proposal. <br />Council Member Lothrop questioned what has been done to buffer the industrial <br />uses close to the project. The Applicant explained that a buffer zone will exist <br />between the Corp Yard and the project, as well as sound walls and windows to <br />address noise issues elsewhere. <br />Council Member Lothrop also expressed concern with losing land for a possible <br />sports complex. During a brief discussion it was explained that a sports complex is <br />cost prohibitive at this point. <br />Council Member Loeffier commented that he did write a "Letter to the Editor" of <br />the newspaper before he received written documentation from staff. He noted he <br />was also contacted by Nfilce Maples regarding this project, who asked his view on <br />what it would take to make this project doable. He asked for clarification from the <br />City Attorney as to whether the letter to the newspaper puts him in conflict with <br />voting on this item tonight. <br />The City Attorney responded that his disclosure is noted for the record. As far as <br />the need to recuse himself on the basis of having written a "Letter to the Editor" of <br />the Daily Review, the City Attorney stated he has read the letter and sees nothing <br />that would require Council Member Loeffler to recuse himself. <br />Council Member Glaze asked clarifying questions regarding parks on the revised <br />plan; questioned the Planning Commission's discussion and review of the rezoning <br />and whether or not residential use is an appropriate use; and voiced concerns with <br />school-aged children having a safe, pedestrian access to schools, as they will be <br />crossing a truck route. Council Member Glaze also expressed concern regarding <br />the small, rear yards of the proposed homes. <br />