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Muwtes -City of San Leandro City Council Meeting <br />June 7,1999 <br />Page 3 <br />-- Resolution No. 99-75, Resolution Amending Title 6, Chapter S of the San <br />Leandro Administrative Code Relating to Refuse Fees (establishes arefuse- <br />container, push-out rate for commercial establishments requesting this <br />additional service; the addition of afive-cubic-yard, container-size rate; the <br />option of Sunday container service; and the establishment of service fees to <br />recover costs for the removal of roofing, dirt, or concrete materials; effective <br />July 1, 1999). (1051/1078/2318) <br />M/S/C Lothrop and Nardine. Ayes: 7; Noes: 0 <br />4. PUBLIC COMMENTS <br />Public Comments are limited to 5 minutes per person, for a total time period of one <br />hour. When you address the City Council, you should fill out a speaker card and <br />submit it to the City Clerk so the order of speakers may be determined and an official <br />record of names and addresses obtained. The public is invited to make any comments <br />related to Agenda items, or other items of public interest, at this time. <br />A. John Facia, 2410 Lakeview Drive, addressed the City Council regarding Item G <br />under New Business. He noted the information he downloaded from the Internet <br />regarding the Agenda differs from what was distributed here tonight. He also <br />stated he would like to serve on the Citizen's Ad Hoc Committee for Refuse <br />Services. <br />B. Robert Raburn, P.O. Boa 1736, Oakland, CA, addressed the City Council in <br />support of the Resolution requesting Caltrans to install one, continuous, through <br />traffic lane and a bike lane in each direction, on East 14'~ Street. <br />C. Eugene Bryant, 777 Rodney Drive, addressed the City Council in opposition to <br />the Women's Shelter on the last City Council Agenda. He stated the Estudillo <br />Homeowners' Association is appalled with the actions that have taken place and <br />concluded by indicating the City Council Minutes for May 17, 1999, did not reflect <br />any comments by the City Council. <br />D. Ann Hague, 1102 San Rafael, addressed the City Council, indicating her <br />opposition to the Women's Shelter discussed at the last City Council Meeting. <br />She indicated she does not understand how the City Council can justify <br />overturning the Planning Commission's decision. <br />E. Jim Athey, 1805 Sundberg Avenue, addressed the City Council, asking why <br />trucks are still unloading cars for the Honda and Nissan dealerships from Wayne <br />Avenue. He also commented on speeding on Williams Street and noted the <br />upcoming meeting regarding the Airport on June 15, 1999. <br />