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Minutes -City of San Leandro City Council Meeting Page S <br />June 7,1999 <br />N. Robin Ellers, 778 Joaquin Avenue, addressed the City Council regarding the <br />Women's Shelter and the number of persons that will be allowed to live in one <br />household. She feels the issue should have been a Public Hearing, as well. <br />O. Paul Vargas, 872 Portola Drive, addressed the City Council regarding the <br />Women's Shelter issue dealt with at the last City Council Meeting and felt it <br />should have been a Public Hearing. He further commented on the lack of public <br />input as it relates to the Tree Ordinance public meetings and the wall next to the <br />Lloyd Wise dealership. <br />5. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS AND COMMENTS <br />A. Reports on Intergovernmental Agencies <br />None <br />B. Reports on City Council Committees (See Minutes) <br />1. Report from the City Council Ad Hoc Millennium Committee. (1156) <br />Council Member Grant reported on the recent Millennium Committee Meeting. <br />She noted they discussed possible events and activities; forming a Millennium <br />Working Committee; submitting the County survey outlining potential San <br />Leandro activities; and submitting the application sent by the National League <br />of Cities, requesting that San Leandro be designated as a Millennium <br />Community. It was noted coordination with other community groups to plan <br />and conduct millennium events would occur. Other ideas discussed were <br />activities surrounding the opening of the library, the Cherry Festival 2000, and <br />activities celebrating the City's history, youth, culture, and future. Council <br />Member Grant said residents who would like to be involved should call her. <br />