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Minutes -City of San Leandro City Council and Page 6 <br />San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting -September 20,1999 <br />4. JOINT CITY COUNCIL/SAN LEANDRO REDEVELOPMENT <br />AGENCY PUBLIC HEARING <br />A. Matter of Amendment to the Joint Alameda County/City of San Leandro <br />Redevelopment Project Area Relating to Extension of Eminent Domain. <br />-- Petition Opposing Eminent Domain Proceedings Regarding the Bal Theatre <br />Node (72 signatures), Submitted by Phyllis F. McAvoy, 14831 Bancroft <br />Avenue, Owner/Manager, Received September 8, 1999. <br />-- An Ordinance Approving Amendment No. 4 to the Joint Alameda County/City <br />of San Leandro Redevelopment Project Area Redevelopment Plan to Extend <br />the Power of Eminent Domain to a Limited Number of Commercially and <br />Industrially Zoned Properties Within the Project Area (modifies language in <br />Section 403 of the Redevelopment Plan to extend the power of Eminent <br />Domain). <br />-- Pass to Print <br />This being the time and place for the Public Hearing on the above matter, Steve <br />Emslie, Development Services Director, and Debbie Potter, Redevelopment <br />Manager, gave an overview of the nodes being proposed for eminent domain; and <br />Jennifer Andersen, Redevelopment Specialist, gave a presentation on the areas and <br />properties included, as well as the background on the properties selected. The <br />presentation included a description of the eminent-domain process. <br />The City Council recessed from 8:50 p.m. to 9 p.m. <br />The Hearing was then opened to the public. <br />Robert Battinich, 577-601 Aladdin Street, addressed the City <br />CounciURedevelopment Agency regarding properties within the Auto Mall Node. <br />He submitted a letter to the City Council filing objections to the procedure, <br />process, the displacement of persons within the area, the lack of a report by the <br />Planning Department setting forth the general plan for the area, and that there <br />were no specific findings of blight. He objected, further, that there was no <br />neighborhood- impact report; that the Department of Conservation, the County <br />Agricultural Commissioner, the County Farm Bureau, and the California Farm <br />Bureau Federation have not been notified of the extent agricultural workers are <br />being displaced; and that affected City Council Members have not declared any <br />applicable conflicts of interests for the record. <br />