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NImutes -City of San Leandro City Council and Page 7 <br />San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting -September 20, 1999 <br />Lawrence Kumabe, Owner of 467 505, and 517 Marina Boulevard, addressed <br />the City CounciURedevelopment Agency in opposition to his properties being <br />included. He thanked the City Council/Redevelopment Agency for excluding them <br />after receiving his letter of opposition. <br />Ralph Smith, 15968 East 14~ Street, addressed the City CounciVRedevelopment <br />Agency in opposition to eminent-domain proceedings, in general. <br />Tom Guarino, San Leandro Chamber of Commerce CEO, addressed the City <br />CounciURedevelopment Agency in support of eminent domain. He indicated, <br />further, that this should be a tool of last resort, and it should be used judiciously. <br />Niki Pasricha, 14818 East 14`~ Street, addressed the City CounciU <br />Redevelopment Agency in support of deleting his property from the eminent- <br />domain property list. He stated it is a good idea, but he questions the actual <br />execution of eminent domain. <br />Betsy Venters, 1322 Castro Street, addressed the City Council/Redevelopment <br />Agency in opposition to eminent domain. She questioned the new-car dealerships <br />that came in as a result of eminent domain elsewhere and further questioned where <br />the "guaranteed sales tax" revenue that was promised is. She added that no one <br />will be able to sell or lease their land if it is in an eminent-domain area. <br />Dale Reed, 1560 Daily Court, addressed the City CounciURedevelopment <br />Agency in support of his properties being included in the proposed, eminent- <br />domain area. He indicated he does see some benefit to being in an eminent-domain <br />area and stated the City should carefully weigh any future, next steps. <br />Sally Kellman, 901 Montague Avenue, addressed the City <br />Council/Redevelopment Agency in support of their property, which has been <br />removed from the list. <br />Stefan Schinzinger, 911 Montague Avenue, addressed the City <br />Council/Redevelopment Agency in opposition to eminent domain on the proposed <br />properties. He further indicated Vice Mayor Galvan should recuse himself from <br />voting on this item because he has an interest in property near the proposed, <br />eminent-domain area. <br />Richard Crossfeld, 2121 and 2103 East 14`~ Street., addressed the City <br />CounciURedevelopment Agency, noting he has a 10-year lease with a 10-year <br />option on the aforementioned properties. He stated his firm opposition to these <br />properties being included for eminent domain. <br />Lou Filipovich, 15376 Laverne Drive, addressed the City <br />Council/Redevelopment Agency, stating "redevelopment" and "eminent domain" <br />are two separate entities. He also remarked on the effects of economic <br />development and added that eminent domain benefits private business. <br />