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• Minutes -City of San Leandro City Council, Page 13 <br />San Leandro Redevelopment Agency and San Leandro Public Financing <br />Authority Special Joint Meeting -October 18, 1999 <br />$26,000,(}00 Certificates of Participation, Authorizing and Directing Execution <br />of Related Lease Financing Documents, Approving Official Statement and <br />Authorizing Official Actions. (2735) <br />M/S/C Nardine and Lothrop. Ayes: 5; Noes: 0; Absent: Grant and Young <br />B. Report on Closed Session Actions Taken. <br />None <br />9. CONTINUED PUBLIC COMMENTS <br />Continued Public Comments is limited to the balance of speaker cards that have been <br />submitted to the City Clerk and any new speakers who have not been heard. Comments <br />will be limited to 5 minutes per speaker. <br />Paul Vargas, 872 Portola, addressed the City Council regarding the Police Department <br />indicating that they should not be used for social engineering and should remain non- <br />political and non-partisan. He further commented that he is not in favor of collecting <br />racial data on persons cited as that could cause problems. He questioned if former <br />Police Chief Bob Maginnis is collecting a pension from the City of San Leandro while <br />collecting a paycheck from Alameda County. He commented on the library/fire station <br />debt program and suggested that this issue should have been put to a vote of the people. <br />With regard to the City Council's desire for a sports complex, he indicated that there is a <br />sports complex on Teagarden Avenue. <br />Justin Agrella, 1231 - 148a' Ave., addressed the City Council regarding taxes. He <br />commented that taxes are taxes, even if you emphasize the benefits. He questioned how <br />the Certificates of Participation for the library/fire station projects actually work. He <br />indicated that the City should be making more on the City's reserve account than on the <br />certificates. He concluded by stating that if you want people to attend the Finance <br />Committee Meetings, they should be scheduled when people are not working. <br />Larry Norry, 2532 Williams St., addressed the City Council regarding the Mulford <br />Library and noted that some of the beams in the ceiling appear to be rotting and may fall <br />in. He asked staff to investigate this matter. He additionally stated that the Mulford <br />Gardens Improvement Association is doing a good job on the maintenance of Mulford <br />Gardens Park. <br />The City Manager responded that there are scheduled improvements for the Mulford <br />Library. <br />Vice Mayor Galvan indicated that two additional members are needed for the upcoming <br />Trivia Bee. In response to his request, Council Members I.aeffler and Glaze were <br />chosen as Council representatives. <br />