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Minutes -City of San Leandro City Council and Page 6 <br />San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting -November 15, 1999 <br />B. Matter of A-99-3; Reclassification from P Professional District to RM-2500 (PD) <br />Residential, Multi-Family, Planned Development Overlay District; PD-99-3; <br />Planned Development to Construct Eleven (11), Three-Bedroom and Two-Bath, <br />Two-Story Townhouse Units on a Vacant 23,722-Square-Foot Site Located on <br />the West Side of Santa Rosa Street Between Estudillo Avenue and Joaquin <br />Avenue; 1355 and 1359 Santa Rosa Street, 391 and 393 Estudillo Avenue, and <br />380, 384, and 390 Joaquin Avenue; Assessor's Parcel Number 75-551-17-1; <br />Westco Community Builders, Inc.; and Vesting Tentative Mag, Tract 7133; <br />Eleven (11)-Unit Subdivision Creating Individual Parcels for Each of the Proposed <br />Townhouse Units. <br />-- Motion Certifying Negative Declaration for A-99-3 and PD-99-3 as Complete <br />and in Compliance with CEQA Requirements. <br />-- An Ordinance Rezoning Certain Property Herein Described as to Zoning <br />District and Amending Zoning Map (A-99-3); 1355 and 1359 Santa Rosa <br />Street, 391 and 393 Estudillo Avenue, and 380, 384, and 390 Joaquin Avenue; <br />Assessor's Parcel Number 75-551-17-1. <br />-- Motion Approving the Planned Development, PD-99-3 for 1355 and 1359 <br />Santa Rosa Street, 391 and 393 Estudillo Avenue, and 380, 384, and 390 <br />Joaquin Avenue, Subject to the Findings and Conditions of Approval. <br />-- Resolution Approving Vesting Tentative Map, Tract 7133; to Construct <br />Eleven (11), Three-Bedroom and Two-Bath, Two-Story Townhouse Units on <br />a Vacant 23,722-Square-Foot Site Located on the West Side of Santa Rosa <br />Street Between Estudillo Avenue and Joaquin Avenue; 1355 and 1359 Santa <br />Rosa Street, 391 and 393 Estudillo Avenue, and 380, 384, and 390 Joaquin <br />Avenue; Assessor's Parcel Number 75-551-17-1, Subject to the Findings and <br />Conditions of Approval. <br />This being the time and place for the Public Hearing on the above matter, Hanson <br />Hom gave an overview of the project proposed for the west side of Santa Rosa <br />Street between Estudillo Avenue and Joaquin Avenue (A-99-3 and PD-99-3), and <br />the project proposed for the south side of Estudillo, opposite Huff Avenue (A-994 <br />and PD-99-4). <br />Norm Weisbrod gave a more in-depth presentation of what is being proposed for <br />both projects. <br />Britt Evans, Westco Community Builders, Inc., addressed the City Council in <br />support of their project and encouraged the City Council's approval. <br />Council Member Grant asked how the common areas will be maintained. Staff <br />indicated there are no common areas. The landscaped areas will be the <br />responsibility of the owner of each unit to maintain. <br />