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Minutes -City of San Leandro City Council and Page 7 <br />San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting -December 6, 1999 <br />The following Resolutions were then introduced: <br />-- Resolution No. 99-34, Resolution of the San Leandro Redevelopment Agency <br />Approving aFive-Year Implementation Plan for the Plaza 1 and Plaza 2 <br />Redevelopment Project Areas, Fiscal Years 1999-2004. (1120) <br />M/S/C Grant and Galvan. Ayes: 6; Noes: 0; Absent: Glaze <br />-- Resolution No. 99-35, Resolution of the San Leandro Redevelopment Agency <br />Approving a Five-Year Implementation Plan for the Joint County of <br />Alameda/City of San Leandro Redevelopment Project Area, Fiscal Years <br />1999-2004. (1485) <br />M/S/C Nardine and Lothrop. Ayes: 6; Noes: 0; Absent: Glaze <br />5. PUBLIC COMMENTS <br />Public Comments are limited to 5 minutes per person, for a total time period of one <br />hour. When you address the City Council, you should fill out a speaker card and <br />submit it to the City Clerk so the order of speakers may be determined and an official <br />record of names and addresses obtained. The public is invited to make any comments <br />related to Agenda items, or other items of public interest, at this time. <br />A. Jill Duke, ILWU, Local 6, 99 Hegenberger Road, addressed the City Council, <br />representing imaging personnel from San Leandro Hospital, and stated they have <br />been in negotiations for six months and are at a difficult stage. They are here <br />tonight to bring this to the attention of the City Council. She indicated this is an <br />issue that affects the community and the employees who live here. <br />B. Brenda Ferrell, 844 Woodland Avenue, addressed the City Council and <br />submitted a petition on behalf of Haas Avenue residents regarding measures to <br />reduce traffic speed on Haas Avenue. <br />C. Larry Norry, 2532 Williams Street, addressed the City Council and introduced <br />Don DiGiordano. <br />D. Don DiGiordano, 2601 Walnut Drive, addressed the City Council, stating <br />Walnut Drive has no sidewalk and does not have proper drainage. He asked what <br />they have to do to get the City to pave their street. <br />E. Jack Pyne, 747 Lewelling Boulevard #61, addressed the City Council regarding <br />Salel's Mobile Home Park and the proposed increase in their space rent. He <br />commented on the lack of improvements in the park. He stated it is imperative the <br />City Council freeze the rents if no solution is reached by January ld when the rent <br />is due to be increased. <br />