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Inst 2005388458
City Clerk
City Council
Recorded Documents
Inst 2005388458
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8/12/2009 4:02:01 PM
Creation date
5/12/2009 4:03:07 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Inst 2005388457
\City Clerk\City Council\Recorded Documents\2005
RDA Reso 2005-013
(Approved by)
\City Clerk\City Council\Resolutions\2005
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submittal to the City of San Leandro for a Planned Development application. By execution of this <br />Agreement the Agency hereby approves said Plan. The Development Plan, which is attached hereto as <br />Exhibit B and by this reference incorporated herein, calls for the development of anine-unit residential <br />project. The Development Plan is consistent with the Plaza Redevelopment Plan and Davis Street Urban <br />Design Plan, and sets forth in drawings and models andlor elevations, the size and location of buildings, <br />the number and location of parking spaces, the specific treatment and location of all landscaping amenities, <br />the location of all pedestrian and automobile ingress and egress points, the proposed uses of the various <br />portions of the buildings, and the location of other public streets and improvements. The development as <br />set out in the Development Plan is hereinafter referred to as the "Improvements." <br />B. Anymaterial change, modification, revision or alteration of the approved Development <br />Plan shall be submitted for approval by the Agency; if not so approved, the approved Development Plan <br />shall continue to control. Any proposed material change, modification, revision or alteration shall be <br />approved or disapproved by the Agency within fifteen (15) days of submittal and, if not approved or <br />disapproved within said fifteen (15) day period, shall be deemed approved. <br />1.03 City of San Leandro Approval. <br />It is the intent of both parties that Developer shall diligently pursue City approvals for the <br />Improvements, resulting in receiving approval from the City of San Leandro for a Planned Development on <br />the same date that this agreement is approved. The Planned Development approval shall incorporate the <br />Development Plan, and it is the intent of both parties that, should the Planned Development not be <br />approved on the same date as this agreement, that it will be approved prior to disposition or within sixty <br />(60) days of the date of approval of this agreement. <br />If Developer fails to obtain City approval for this project within sixty (60) days of the date of <br />approval of this agreement after making a good faith effort, Developer may propose an alternative develop- <br />ment. If Developer wishes to exercise this right, Developer shall present the Agency Executive Director <br />with a proposal to purchase and develop the property no later than 90 days after Developer notifies Agency <br />of the failure to obtain City approval. Agency shall not sell or develop the property during this period. If the <br />Agency agrees to pursue the Developer's alternative proposal, Agency shall notify the Developer within 30 <br />days of receipt of the proposal and the parties shall amend this Agreement to reflect the new proposal. <br />1.04 Financing Plan. <br />(a) Prior to the date of this Agreement, Developer has submitted information to the <br />Agency regarding its financial capacity to close escrow. <br />(b) Developer is diligently seeking commercial financing for the Project. No later than <br />ninety (90) days following the date of this Agreement, Developer shall submit to the Agency Developer's <br />plan for financing the construction of the Improvements (hereinafter "Financing Plan"). The Financing Plan <br />shall indicate the sources of necessary funds to pay, when due, the estimated costs and evidence that such <br />funds have been firmly committed by Developer, equity investors or lending institutions, subject to such <br />conditions as are commercially reasonable under the circumstances. <br />(c) Sources of funds disclosed in the Financing Plan may include additional equity <br />investments andlor loans provided such funding is from reasonable financial or lending institutions, <br />
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