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<a <br /> <br />Minutes - City of San Leandro City Council Meeting Page - 13 - <br />March 2, 1998 <br />The Mayor clarified that law enforcement is exempt from the Gun Tax. <br />B. Louis Heystek, 2481 Marina Boulevard, addressed the Council, commending <br />them and staff for their presentation regarding the Conference Center. <br />He noted his support of the Conference Center and added that he will be <br />very impacted by the project. He is proud to have seen the Council in <br />action this evening and notified the Council he is prepared to enter the <br />race for the Mayor's seat. <br />C. Carey Walker, 471 Santa Monica, addressed the Council, asking if State <br />law supersedes City law? He commented that taxing guns is not the <br />answer, and there should be no new taxes, fees, or assessments. <br />D. Jim Prola, 242 Belvedere, addressed the Council and stated that the <br />people are fed up with anti-union sentiment. <br />8. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS AND COMMENTS <br />A. Reports on Intergovernmental Agencies <br />1. Council Member Galvan commented that negotiations regarding East Bay <br />Dischargers Authority/Livermore-Amador Valley Waste Management <br />Authority (EBDA/LAVWMA) have concluded, and he will give a full <br />report on the matter at the next Council Meeting. <br />2. Council Member Young reported on her attendance at a recent CMA <br />Meeting on behalf of the Mayor. She noted it was a Work Session on <br />land-use planning around mass transit. She believes we have some <br />property around the BART Station that would warrant some looking at <br />for that purpose. She noted she has passed that information onto the <br />City Manager and staff, and they are going to look into it with the <br />land-use planner/real-estate man from BART who has done some joint <br />agency planning with other cities in our neighborhood. She concluded <br />by stating several of the Council Members are going to Washington, <br />D.C., for the National League of Cities Conference, and the CMA <br />Director, Dennis Fay, is taking a group of folks from CMA who are <br />going to be working with MTC on lobbying for transportation funds. <br />She has asked them to allow her to tag along to learn the process in <br />group lobbying. She noted she will be doing that while she is in <br />Washington. <br />B. Reports on City Council Committees <br />None <br />