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Minutes - City of San Leandro City Council Meeting Page - 5 - <br />March 2, 1998 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS <br />A. Resolution Approving a Lease Agreement and Other Documents Between the <br />San Francisco Bay Conference Center Resort, L.L.C., and the City of San <br />Leandro Regarding the Network Conference Center. <br />The Mayor took public comments regarding this issue at this time. <br />Patrick Hickey, 437 5th Street, Oakland, addressed the Council, urging <br />that they vote "No" on the Lease for the proposed Network Conference <br />Center. He feels it will not bring quality jobs to the City, and the <br />City should be investing in other things. The City should not be in the <br />business of funding developers, and this venture will take taxpayers' <br />money and undercut their standard of living. <br />Norma Harrison, 1312 Cornell, Berkeley, addressed the Council, urging <br />them to vote "No" on the Network Conference Center item. She commented <br />on the global aspect of the issue and that it will only provide for low- <br />wage jobs. <br />Iris Loux, 13069 Neptune Drive, addressed the Council, urging the <br />Council to vote "No" on the Conference Center and to protect her job and <br />her taxes. <br />Ann Duncan, 2337 West Ave 134th, addressed the Council, asking them to <br />think about the schools and how they could better use those funds <br />instead of the Conference Center. She feels the Council should let the <br />property owners vote on this issue in June. <br />Odeter Waters, 13517 Aurora Drive, addressed the Council in support of <br />the Conference Center. She commented that it is the City's major <br />fiduciary responsibility to do the best for the citizens of San Leandro. <br />She believes in unions but doesn't look for the union label on all that <br />she does in her life. She knows the Council works with her best <br />interests in mind. <br />Florence Ruha, 3745 Anza Way, addressed the Council in support of the <br />proposed Network Conference Center. <br />Barbara Tierney, 3965 Mission Way, addressed the Council in support of <br />the Conference Center. <br />Sherry Capela, 1746 Carpentier Avenue, addressed the Council with a <br />concern as to why the City would fund such a project without stipulating <br />that they provide union jobs. <br />Glen Sitz, 40 San Leandro Marina, Slip 2, addressed the Council in <br />support of the proposed Conference Center. <br />Jonathan Knack, 81 Vernon Street, Oakland, addressed the Council in <br />opposition to the Conference Center as the developer is anti union. <br />