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Minutes 1998 0302
City Clerk
City Council
Minutes 1998 0302
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CM City Clerk-City Council
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Minutes - City of San Leandro City Council Meeting Page - 8 - <br />March 2, 1998 <br />The City Manager gave a brief staff report and overview of the history <br />of the proposed project. He commented that this project would provide <br />self sufficiency to the Marina Enterprise Fund; that the loan would be <br />from the General Fund to the Marina Fund, and then to the project. He <br />also commented that this project can be funded by a bank but then the <br />City would not own the property. They have also provided for the <br />continued maintenance of the Center and assurance that it will remain <br />state of the art. The City made a concerted effort to help the <br />developer and labor unions negotiate, but there was no resolution and an <br />impasse was reached. The project development will pay prevailing wages. <br />Me further commented that there has been a traffic study, and there are <br />proposed improvements to Marina Boulevard and Doolittle Drive. <br />Dan McFadden went over the economics and financial proposal. He feels <br />this project will result in the increase of public use of the Marina. <br />Mayor Corbett commented that the Marina has been an area in need of a <br />little help. She voiced concern about the Marina's future health. She <br />feels this is a good project, one we need, and hopes it can go forward. <br />She commented on concerns she shares, based on comments that have been <br />expressed. She was hopeful the mediation would have had results and <br />still hopes that can be achieved. She asked the Council to consider a <br />30-day, cooling-off period to allow more negotiations to take place with <br />the developer and the labor union. It would allow for a clearing of the <br />air and an opportunity to make it work for the community. <br />Council Member Galvan stated he was not in favor of a cooling-off period <br />as the Council has talked about this project for two years. He agrees <br />with Dale Reed - that this proposal would enhance the Marina and create <br />a resort atmosphere. He feels the project is crucial to establish the <br />revenue stream that would enhance the Marina. He added that it is an <br />excellent setting for an upscale conference center. Although he <br />understands the union's position, he disagrees with them on this issue. <br />He stressed that it will be built by prevailing wages. He added that <br />the Council has never interfered in private business regarding union <br />business. He feels the Council should abide by the terms, conditions, <br />and criteria that a bank would use in making a decision on a project <br />such as this. He will be supporting the project and feels this will put <br />the City of San Leandro on the map. He is not in favor of extending the <br />decision 30 days. <br />Council Member Glaze commented that the Council has been looking at this <br />for two years. The City has invested money throughout the year and <br />those returns on investments actually finance a lot of City projects. <br />He stated that people forget that the Marina is a major drain on the <br />City. There was a clear vision in the 1980's and moving into the 1990's <br />- that the Marina would be self sufficient. He wishes it could be <br />union; but, recognizing that was not going to happen, the Council pushed <br />for prevailing wages. He feels the Council needs to move forward with <br />the project. <br />
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