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Minutes - City of San Leandro City Council Meeting <br />May 4, 1998 <br />Resolution No. 98-50, Resolution Approving Plans and <br />and Calling for Bids for Breed Avenue and Lewi <br />Neighborhood Improvement District, Alternate <br />Rehabilitation, Project No. 98-144-38-132-D. <br />M/S/C Loeffler and 6alvan. Ayes: 7; Noes: 0 <br />4. PUBLIC COMMENTS <br />Page-6- <br />Specifications <br />s Avenue Area <br />D -- Street <br />(2848) <br />Public Comments are limited to 5 minutes per person. The public is invited <br />to make any comments related to Agenda items, or other items of public <br />interest, at this time. <br />A. Carey Walker, 471 Santa Monica, addressed the Council regarding <br />speeding, running of red lights, crimes relating to the use of guns, and <br />statistics on the use of other weapons. He stated the gun tax would <br />only bring more money into City Hall and would not stop crime. He <br />concluded by expressing his opposition to adult-oriented businesses, and <br />said the City does not need a sports complex in that there is one at the <br />Marina. He also stated he would like a report on the soundwall. <br />B. Tony Asak, Owner of W.C. Rose Scrap Yard, addressed the Council, <br />complimenting staff on how responsive they were regarding the sinkhole <br />at Davis Street and Doolittle Drive. He said the City did a fabulous <br />job and that the people involved acted like professionals and got it <br />done. He complimented Greg Faria, in particular, noting he did a great <br />job. <br />C. Larry Norry, 2532 Williams Street, addressed the Council regarding New <br />Business Item 6.6 (Budget Strategies) and asked why the City needs to <br />hire a consultant to determine where the boundaries are for monuments in <br />his area. He added that he feels they should be put at Menlo and Marina <br />and Fairway and Doolittle. <br />D. Francois Gallo, Neighborhood Aviation Advisory Committee of San Leandro <br />(NAACSL), addressed the Council regarding New Business Item 6.D, noting <br />he was glad to see it on the Agenda. He added that he is looking for <br />support from the Council. He also noted the Quentin Kopp Bill, SB 1853, <br />which he hopes the Council will support. With regard to the matter of <br />discussion regarding the Oakland Airport-Community Noise Management <br />Forum, he thanked the City for putting up the funds to participate. He <br />hopes people will have input on the agendas that are created and that <br />the agenda will not only consist of that which the Port of Oakland wants <br />to discuss. <br />E. Stuart Alexander, 2463 West Avenue 133rd, addressed the Council, asking <br />what the exact amount will be to fix the street lamps in the Breed/Lewis <br />District. He referenced the City of Pleasanton and noted they have a <br />quality Senior Center where they fix anything. He feels the proposal <br />this evening is a fine example of how San Leandro wastes taxpayers' <br />money. He feels San Leandro should do something like Pleasanton and get <br />seniors to do the work for free. <br />