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Minutes - City of San Leandro City Council Meeting <br />June 1, 1998 <br />Page - 5 - <br />Audrey Albers, 2037 Marina Court, addressed the Council, stating she <br />cannot believe what the City is considering doing. She doesn't agree <br />with the financing as it is being proposed and noted the rent should be <br />mare. She concluded by stating the City still has not considered the <br />traffic situation out there. <br />Larry Norry, 2532 Nilliams Street, addressed the Council and commented <br />that two weeks ago the Council rescinded the Resolution approving the <br />Lease. The petitions regarding the referendum were based on the amount <br />the City was funding the project, as well as Union disputes. He added <br />that 5,700 people signed a petition to not spend City funds in the <br />amount of X17 million. He feels the Council should oppose the Lease, as <br />proposed, as there is no Union contract and the City should not give <br />away $17 million. He feels the Council should take longer than a two- <br />week period to come back with a new Lease. <br />The City Manager explained the previous Lease proposal and pointed out <br />the issues that were addressed in the new Lease as they relate to the <br />labor union participation and the opportunities for an employee union to <br />be formed should a vote by the employees warrant such action. <br />Dan McFadden addressed the questions regarding required public-access <br />improvement. <br />The City Manager noted traffic concerns will be reviewed and studied <br />during the Conditional Permit portion of the project. Staff will be <br />working on traffic mitigations for Marina Boulevard, Fairway Drive, and <br />Doolittle Drive. <br />Council Member Glaze commented that, even if this project does not go <br />forward, traffic issues need to be addressed in that area. <br />Mike Dunlap, 1620 South Cliff Road, Representing Union Local X23, <br />addressed the Council. He thanked the Mayor, City Manager, and staff, <br />as well as the developer, for facilitating negotiations with the trade <br />unions. He added that this project is not a "done deal." He went on to <br />encourage the Council to continue to facilitate negotiations between the <br />developer and the labor unions. He did confirm that the building trades <br />are in support of this proposal this evening. <br />The City Manager commented that the City would not subsidize wages as it <br />relates to the construction of the project. The City would not be <br />subsidizing wages for employees either. <br />Council Member Young stated she would encourage the Council and the <br />developer to come to some sort of understanding that they would hire San <br />Leandro residents first. She also would encourage the developer to <br />continue to negotiate with the hotel workers. She thanked Mike Dunlap <br />for his comments and for assisting with the proposed Lease Agreement. <br />She clarified that the X10 million would be placed in an escrow account <br />for public improvements, and it would remain the City's money. She also <br />confirmed that private financing monies would also be placed in an <br />escrow account. She continued by stating she would like to see the <br />Lease contain protections for 30 years from now regarding use by the <br />