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Minutes - City of San Leandro City Council, Page - 5 - <br />San Leandro Economic Development Agency, San Leandro <br />Housing Finance Corporation, San Leandro Parking Authority, <br />San Leandro Public Financing Authority, and <br />San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting - June 15, 1998 <br />In response to a Council question as to why he did not go through the <br />appeals process, he commented that he was initially shocked; and, when <br />the ai r cleared, i t was too 1 ate to do so. He added that he has no <br />intent to "end-run" the Human Resources Commission, but they need the <br />funding from the City. He noted there is no other way to fund the <br />program; and, if they lose S5,000 of funding from the Clinic and $20,000 <br />in funding from the City, there would be a X25,000 loss, which would end <br />the program. They are pursuing grant funding. He further commented <br />that this program is part of a larger program but would have to disband <br />its San Leandro services if the funding is cut. He continued by stating <br />they would like to see a balanced set of programs for early intervention <br />regarding gang diversion. He added that kids will join gangs in greater <br />numbers if funding is not reinstated. He urged the Council to reinstate <br />the 520,000 level of funding. <br />Bob Williams addressed the Council, commenting on how effective their <br />program is through the schools, referring to middle- and high-school age <br />kids. He commented on how kids who have gone through the program are <br />able to help other students. <br />Yilliam Suerstedt, 365 Aloha Drive, Former Council Member, noted, in <br />addition to the comments that have already been made, there is a need to <br />take care of our children like a community does. He made remarks about <br />students from the San Lorenzo area, as well as the Ashland area, and <br />concluded by commenting that we need to keep the kids in school, help <br />them to get a good education, and teach them to become good Americans. <br />Mayor Corbett commented on the cooperative relationship between the <br />schools and the Police Department as it relates to drug prevention and <br />gang diversion efforts. <br />Glenda Nardine, addressed the Council in support of the San Leandro <br />Community Counseling Services. She suggested that perhaps the City <br />should put this issue on the Joint City Council/School Board Liaison <br />Meeting Agenda for discussion regarding support from both agencies. <br />Rick Richards, 335 Peralta Avenue, addressed the Council in support of <br />the Human Resources Commission, noting they have served the City well. <br />He added that the Commission had a difficult task to look at funding <br />various agencies and what is being provided community wide. He <br />suggested maybe the School District could start paying for some of the <br />programs. He added that San Leandro Community Counseling Services did <br />not go through the appeal process, which would have been helpful for the <br />Commission to review other resources that would be available to them. <br />He urged the Council to support the recommendations of the Human <br />Resources Commission. <br />The Mayor stated that the Council recognizes the difficulty in <br />addressing the needs of the community, as well as agencies and funding <br />sources. <br />