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Minutes - City of San Leandro City Council, Page - 6 - <br />San Leandro Economic Development Agency, San Leandro <br />Housing Finance Corporation, San Leandro Parking Authority, <br />San Leandro Public Financing Authority, and <br />San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting - June 15, 1998 <br />Carey Walker, 471 Santa Monica, clarified the fees being proposed <br />regarding water run-off and commented on City water not being cleaned <br />before it goes to the bay. He asked for a schedule of when streets are <br />cleaned and clarified with staff that there will be no refunds due to <br />" 11 <br />the failure of Measure I on the June ballot. He concluded by stating <br />that what is being proposed is taxation without representation. <br />Al Rosenga, 534 Parrott Street, addressed the Council, suggesting that, <br />on future Agendas, the Resolutions' wording should read as proposed <br />annual "adjustments" and not annual "increases" in fees. <br />There being no further comments from the public, the Public Hearing was <br />closed. <br />M/S/C Galvan and Lothrop. Ayes: 6; Noes: 0; Absent: Loeffler <br />Council Member Lothrop voiced concern regarding youth violence and the <br />San Leandro Community Counseling Project. She proposed Council take <br />this issue head on. She proposed that this issue be funded in an amount <br />of E50,000 and work together to come up with guidelines, and perhaps a <br />RFP (Request for Proposals) process, for the funding of a program to <br />address these needs. She feels the Council needs to take a serious <br />stand and to work together with teen young men; and, in some instances, <br />with young women. She feels that putting this issue on the City <br />Council/School Board Agenda would be a great idea. <br />Council Member Young stated that sounds like an excellent idea. She <br />proposed the City withhold 10% reserve funding in the community based <br />organizations for emergency funding. She feels that would provide <br />options when things come up. <br />Council Member Polvorosa questioned the funds from the passage of <br />Measure "H" and inquired if they could be used for funding this <br />proposal? <br />The City Manager responded that Measure "H" is anew revenue source, and <br />it has not been appropriated to a specific program. He further noted <br />the proposals by Council Members Lothrop and Young could be discussed at <br />the Finance Committee level for future funding. It was noted the <br />Finance Committee could discuss the use of Measure "H" funds, as well. <br />Council Member Glaze commented that there is a need to take a look at <br />the Human Resources budget for community-based programs. They have been <br />holding the line for same time now - there is a need to look at <br />increased funds. He also commented that there is a need to find a <br />funding source for the Youth Advisory Commission (YAC), as well as <br />making them a part of this to help determine where monies should be <br />spent. He concluded by stating the City cannot continue to hold the <br />line on funds available when needs are increasing in community-based <br />programs. <br />